Part 18 - Why ?

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Part 18

Maya POV

Before I get the time to say anything, his lips crashes into mine.

His warm and soft lips capture mine in a passionate kiss as I am unable to react as I feel goosebumps all over my body

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His warm and soft lips capture mine in a passionate kiss as I am unable to react as I feel goosebumps all over my body.

All I know is closing my eyes for the rest of the time that kiss lasted. Feeling adrenaline rushing all over my body and my heart beating at an irregular rate, my hand just forms in a fist which tightens with each passing second.

" NICKKKKKK....!!!!!! "
I suddenly hear someone scream Nicholas' name with anger.
Making that kiss stop as now both Nicholas and I look at each other's eyes realizing what just happened.

" Che diavolo sta succedendo qui !! ??? Cosa ci fai con lei?

( What the fucking hell is going on here!!??? What are you doing with her.?) "
That voice shoots again with even more anger making us realize of the presence of another person here as our heads turn towards its source.

Standing across us looking at us all shocked.. Especially clearly at me with full anger and hatred in her eyes.

Nicholas just let go of me and walk away from me towards Nilda and leaves from here dragging Nilda behind him by her hand.
While I stay back rooted at my place as I watch them fade away from my view.

I rest my head on the tree as I lean back. Feeling myself trembling due to this unexpected act of his, I try to calm myself.

What the hell was that now...!!
Things were not supposed to go this way..!!!
We are not supposed to be kissing each other but were still very much strangers to each other.

Then why is that man behaving like this!?
Why is he complicating things like this?


As I bring Nilda far from Maya to the entrance of the villa, I yank her hand away and I say in a very strict way looking at her in anger ;
" Wasn't I clear enough when I told you that I don't want you here tonight and you should go to your own house..!!!!! "

To which Nilda just nods knowing that I'm in a very serious mood and I'm not gonna take any of her tantrum at this point and I continue in a louder tone;

" Allora che diavolo ci fai qui?

(Then what the fucking hell are you doing here?) "

" Errr....

L'hai baciata..!!
(You kissed her..!!!) "
Nilda tries talking but in no mood to hear her, I just cut her as I state ;

" Fuori di qui..!!
(Out of here..!!) "

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