Part 2- Reality Strikes

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Part 2

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I look at Him. Already husband and wife, yet complete strangers to each other. He's looking currently at us with no expression. My father gets up and leaves the room not before informing us that we are both being expected at the reception. area. I nod at father whilst he stands looking at him.

Now that father is no longer in the room, I stand at my place a little awkward. And Nicholas just picks his clothes from the wardrobe and goes in the bathroom as fast as he can. After few minutes, he comes back all ready for the reception and goes towards the dressing table.

And he's looking damn handsome. His hair perfectly done, not a single strain out of its place, his shoes are shining. He had one of the perfect jawlines, and dressed in that tuxedo with the two first buttons of his shirt open. To keep it short, he's looking like a complete Lady Killer.

When he finally looks at me in the mirror, I realise that I've been staring him since he stepped out of the washroom. Not knowing what to do or say, I look down while he puts on his deodorant and few seconds later, I hear.

" Ready? " He asks me.

'' Hmmm." I reply.

"Let's go then." He already starts walking out of the room when my eyes fall back on the bed and realized that I forgot to wake Brian up.

Earlier with the unexpected visit from my father and his surprise gift, the fact that Brian also is in the same room slipped out of my mind completely. "No.. Wait. Sorry. Actually I forgot to wake my brother up. If you want you can go ahead, or you can wait till he freshens up. "

Just then his phone rings and he leaves the room while signalling me that he's waiting for me at the entrance of the reception area.

In the corridor

Nicholas POV

" No Parker! Do whatever it takes, but I want that contract.. By hook or crook. Parker if that contract is no ours, then don't show me your fucking face ever. Am I clear enough!" Nicholas says in a quiet, dangerous yet determined tone.

Hanging the call, my eyes fall on my right hand, there it is. The wedding ring.

But that's not how things are supposed to be. Marriage had never been on my To-Do list.
Yet. Here I am. Married to my business rival's daughter.
I had to marry her so that our business expands and to become the most powerful one as desired by my father. For us especially for dad, our business is more important than anything else.
I married her for business, but why did she agree to marry me??
Someone that she knows absolutely nothing about. Why did she even agree to marry me?
Has she been forced into this? Or she just married me on her father's say?
No matter what the reason, now we are married.
And our both businesses will be combined and be the most powerful one now.
That's what only matters.
This wedding is just a compromise and nothing more for me.!
Anyway I should go to the entrance, she must be on the way with her brother by now.
Walking the corridor on my way to the reception area, suddenly I hear someone talking.

'' Thank God that this wedding has been accomplished without any kind problem. I seriously thought that Maya will back out at the last moment but thank god she didn't. Now Mr Valentino will not be a threat instead he'll be a support to our business. " I see Jennifer say to Mike.

" Even I thought that Maya will back out from this wedding." Mike replies looking at little lost.

" Well.. As you can see MONEY can do many unexpected things happen. And don't forget that it's the money that made Maya agree for this wedding. I don't see anymore reason why she could have agreed for this marriage. "

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