Part 66 - New Experience

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Part 66


It's been almost a month now since Luke had attempted to kiss Maya and finally this have got back to being normal. Luke has finally been able to understand it really well that he is not supposed to be anywhere near Maya at the cost of 2 fingers, all of his fingernails, a lot of blood and not to forget the beating he got.

Maya on the other hand took almost a week to get herself out of the stress that came upon her system after what Luke did but with the help and support of her husband and family, she found it easier to overcome the demons of her fear. Along with that Maya's physiotherapy sessions had also began, knowing Maya's condition better than anyone Daniel arranged for Maya's session to start walking again beginning with baby steps. Nicholas made sure to be there with Maya for each and every session as Maya was just not very much comfortable with many people touching her. But with Nicholas's support and understanding, Maya was by now much better. Since all her senses were back in her waist and legs, when Maya started to walk slowly with support. Which is why now after so many sessions, Maya could walk with support but still had many rules set by Daniel that she had to follow.

Nicholas who was with Maya when Luke tried to kiss her saw how hard it was for Maya to fight her fears of being assaulted again. After that Nicholas also was by Maya's side as she struggled hard to overcome her phobia of being touched. Nicholas didnt wanted to add more to that which is he spent this one month keeping a safe distance him and Maya. Nicholas who was also fighting his own addiction to Maya, didnt wanted to overstep Maya's fears of being touched and kissed which is why Nicholas would spend a good portion of his free time in the gym working out so that he could divert his mind temporarily.

Gracy on the other hand was also been treated as special as she should be by Roman. Till this time the pregnancy was going on pretty smoothly and Gracy wasnt having much side effects except the fact that Gracy had very strong and weird food cravings. Roman accompanied his wife to the doctor's for the check ups to know more about Gracy and the baby's health. By now Gracy's tummy has grown very little. Roman and Brian from time to time would check her tummy to see whether the baby is growing or not and would talk the baby everyday.

After all what happened, Maya and Gracy decided that it will be better for them to not go to the orphanage for some time as they were both in a delicate situation. And Mrs Singh being away of the reason didnt even stop them. Brian didnt know about what happened as Nicholas told the kid that Maya was feeling sick and needed to be taken care of. After Maya's walking sessions started, he would help Maya to practice walking just like Maya used to help him. The little one who had had went through most of his life walking with clusters didnt wanted his mom to be like he was.


As the sun rays make their way into the room and on my eyes, I slowly and steady open my eyes to the beautiful and serene scene of my gorgeous wife sleeping on my arm just besides me with her arm on my other arm cuddling her close and tight.

As the sun rays make their way into the room and on my eyes, I slowly and steady open my eyes to the beautiful and serene scene of my gorgeous wife sleeping on my arm just besides me with her arm on my other arm cuddling her close and tight

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