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It was the end of the month and Jasmine was flying in to L

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It was the end of the month and Jasmine was flying in to L.A. to pick up Heir and take her back to France with her for the week. It's crazy how life could switch up on you, because I was actually excited to see her.

"Heiress seriously you keep playing up and daddy gone give you spankings" I jokingly threatened as Heiress ran around her room instead of sitting down for me to braid her hair like i'd instructed. She was so cheerful recently - she was always a ball of fun, but she was super hype these past few weeks and I knew it was because Chris had been around more.

"Kammy love youuu" She said sweetly placing both hands on my cheeks and blew bubbles on my nose before sitting down. She knew - unlike me - Chris didn't play. I laughed at her trying to be smart and went on parting her hair for the style I was geling it into.

"You excited to go to Paris baby?" I asked trying to keep her calm and she nodded.

"Uh huh. Zion and Nova coming?!" She shouted back and I sighed shaking my head.

"No baby, but they'll be here when you get back okay?" I told her turning her to face me and I saw the disappointment on her face as she nodded in understanding. I turned her back to finish off her hair and before I knew it I was done.

"You like it mama?" I asked showing her herself in the mirror and i could see from the O that formed on her lips that she loved it and her jumping and nodding confirmed it.

"And where do you think you're going looking all cute?!" Chris teased coming into Heiress and I's girls room - which was my beauty room - with Nova in his arms. Heiress squealed seeing the two of them and Chris handed me Nova before picking Heiress up and immediately began tickling her.

"You two are so loud!" I shouted adding to the noise in the room and Heiress went on laughing at her father's silliness.

"Have you spoken to Neesha? Zion ok?" I asked while Heiress was distracted for the moment with Nova, who was in her bouncer. My baby was growing so damn fast. 

"Yeah they good. She said she'll call when she's bout to head back. What time Jasmine getting here?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"How imma know, she yo baby mama" I joked and he chuckled as he came closer to my face.

"You wildin... That's what she calls you behind your back too." He said before quickly pecking me and I tried to block him but it was too late, he'd already wound me up.

"That's probably her... Stupid" I said feeling my phone buzz alerting me that somebody was at the door and I took it out to open the app.

I squinted looking closer into the camera and immediately felt anxious.

"It's her?" Chris said moving towards the kids while he looked over at me and I shook my head.

"Nah, I think it's the delivery guy with my Amazon package." I said quickly moving towards the stairs before Chris could speak again.

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