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"Good morning." I said, being first to speak. After our little heated conversation 2 days ago, I woke up to an empty bed and Chris was only just returning to my house 2 mornings later. In his defense he had text me to let me know he just needed some space, but I was still pissed. What happened to communicating, not walking out on each other?

"Sup." He responded awkwardly sitting up on the counter with me.

"I should be asking you that..." I trailed and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, for leaving. I needed space to think." He explained clearly apologetic.

"We literally just spoke about communication though Chris. We literally promised we wouldn't walk out on each other again. How am I supposed to trust you when I wake up and you're gone? Over a petty argument?" I shot, but tried to remain calm.

"That's the thing though Kam. It wasn't petty to me. When you rolled over and went to sleep after saying your piece, to me it was just as bad as if you walked out on me. I'm trying to have a conversation and just because you didn't want to hear what I had to say, you blocked me out? That ain't cool either." He explained and I stared up at him, I understood where he was coming from, but two wrongs would never make a right.

"I wasn't ready to have the conversation."

"You never ready to have no conversation. First it's 'oh I don't want no more kids.', then its 'I can't accept the car', then its 'I'm not selling my house because we not married.'"

"I'm not." I shot before he could even finish speaking and he huffed before standing up from the counter.

"See that's your problem, you so quick to respond you don't even leave room to think about the shit you say... Look, I love you Kam. And I would never try to control you, but you damn sure can't control me."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means we gone have to start learning how to compromise, because your answer been no to everything recently and-." He started, then cut himself off.

"And what?" I probed and he sighed walking around the counter to where I sat.

"And I can't build my life on no's" He said finally and leaned into kiss my cheek, I guess trying to show me he wasn't angry but I still turned my head and a few moments later heard him turn to walk up the stairs.


"Nova, say mama. Ma-ma" I spoke down to my 20 month old baby girl. She had been saying Da-da, bye and other short gestures for almost 2 months and she was starting to piss me off at this point.

"Nova say Da-da!" Chris said coming into the living area I was in with Nova and immediately took her fake behind out of my arms and of course she was ecstatic to see him and erupted into a fit of laughter.

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