The Heart and the Rib

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I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting on my wife to join me

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I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting on my wife to join me. My palms were sweating now. They'd be leaking on our wedding day.

I heard as her shoes clinked and clacked on the floorboard as she made her way down the two flights and almost lost my ability to breathe when she turned down the last set. She and her glam squad had kicked me out of her closet when they arrived so this was my first peak at the masterpiece and I had to say an internal prayer to thank God for his divine work.

"Wow." I said because it was really all I could say.

"You look so good baby." She said sweetly immediately getting water eyed and I smiled moving forward to help her down the last step.

"I can't even put into words how beautiful you are Kam. You look amazing." I told her simply, I didn't want to get too sentimental and make her cry, we ain't have time to do no fixing, we were already an hour late.

"Are you ready?" I asked her and she nodded lightly before I led us out to the Rolls Royce we were riding in. It felt kind of weird to be doing all the extras, I wasn't the most romantic or open book when it came to sharing special moments in my previous relationships and even really early on with Kam. We were both quite private and our most intimate moments were shared between us or at most around our loved ones. But tonight we were stepping out for the world to see. Our wedding had a strict no phones policy, so this was all the outside world were getting until we wanted them to see it.

"You okay mama?" I asked Kam once we'd finished taking our pictures and were riding to our venue. She'd been zoned out for most of our 35 minute journey and as you all know it wasn't like her to be of such few words. I watched as I pulled her out of her daze and she turned from the window she was looking out of and smiled at me lightly and nodded.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm good. I'm just happy." She said almost too sweetly and I squinted a little but decided not to push it. She was probably just nervous.

"I love you." I said in response and lifted our hands that were intertwined to kiss her ring finger, before she turned to look out the window again.


We stepped out of our car to a frenzy, flashing lights, some familiar faces and some not so familiar. I immediately held on to Kamaiyah's waist, she seemed a little off and I wanted her to not only know I had her back but feel it too.

"You sure you're okay babe?" I whispered into her ear again and she nodded quickly, continuing to pose for the cameras. Once we were done we moved into the restaurant and all our bridesmaids and groomsmen stood on either side to welcome us. I couldn't stop smiling seeing everybody come together for us. All our friends and family. The oldies and children sat this one out so we was gone do our big one tonight.

We sat eating and sharing laughs with our friends the entire night - I felt Kam's edge and it made me start to feel weird as the night went on - I couldn't pin point what may be wrong, but I knew her like the back of my hand so I knew I wasn't wrong.

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