Always you

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I waited at the side of the church entrance - doing everything I could to hold my tears back as mine and Chris' children walked down the long path up to their dad

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I waited at the side of the church entrance - doing everything I could to hold my tears back as mine and Chris' children walked down the long path up to their dad. I watched as Zion and Kairon walked down with the rings looking so handsome I could melt and chuckled when I heard the whole church laugh as Heiress held tightly on to Nova as she forgot the assignment and attempted to run down the isle to her father.

"It's time baby." I heard my mother - who was already teary in the eye say after all my bridesmaids Neesha, Lani, Sevyn, Jasmine and Janaie had made their way down the isle with Mijo, Hood, Aaron and Redd, and I nodded before she rolled her hand into mine and the orchestra began playing our wedding song - I could've passed out when I saw H.E.R and Daniel Caeser stood to the side of the orchestra - Chris kept this major detail from me - he knew how much I loved H.E.R.

I started my walk down the isle and even with all the gasps and literal sobs I could hear from our guests - once I locked eyes on my husband stood in his crisp suit on the pew, I couldn't take my eyes off him. I walked slowly, hand in hand with my mother and tried with everything in me not to burst into joyous tears to match the tears that cascaded down Chris' face. I chuckled watching Mijo hand him a tissue and he quickly wiped his eyes before sniffling and clearly telling himself to hold it together.

"Who gives this woman away?" The reverend asked when we made it to the top of the isle and I looked down at my mother before she turned to mama J and they both said a "we do" in unison.

"I love ya'll" I said down at them both and my mom leaned in to kiss my cheek before she moved to sit down next to the kids.

"Good morning all. We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate an act of deep love. Christopher and Kamaiyah, in their devotion, respect, and love for each other wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage, and to dedicate themselves to each other's happiness and well‑being as life mates and partners. On behalf of them, I welcome you all." The reverend began and by now Chris had my hands firmly gripped in his - this man was a nervous wreck.

"After speaking to you both, it is obvious that you already know some of the great blessings marriage has to offer. It is an opportunity to feel the joy of taking care of someone who takes care of you, to be challenged towards growth yet gently nurtured, to love deeply and receive it in return. It is about trust, friendship and having a partner to share all life has to offer. It is a commitment to participate in a process of mutual evolution, understanding and forgiveness. It is indeed a sacred union to be treated with reverence. Marriage is a safe place to grow and become wiser. It is a place to evolve into better people; so that you can go out in the world and make a difference by spreading the joy and wisdom that you have found with each other. Together in this marriage, you shall contribute more fully, for you both shall be more full."

"I understand you both have some personal vows you want to exchange. Christopher - you've asked to go first." He said and I half rolled my eyes - I asked to go first in our rehearsal - I know Chris slid him a couple hundred and some concert tickets for his kids to move it around. The room fell silent momentarily as Chris prepared to speak and I lifted my hand to wipe his tear and he kissed the side of my palm.

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