Warm Embrace

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It had been 5 months since me and Kam had our shit in the media

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It had been 5 months since me and Kam had our shit in the media. I'd been cooling on her. Being a good father, working and staying out the mix. She'd been telling anybody who would listen that I wasn't shit, so I decided it best to just not speak to her ass at all.

Let me explain something about Kamaiyah King - she had zero self awareness. She really thought I was mad about her fucking with another nigga so she did what she knew would get me feeling a kind of way, and when I did, she wanted to hide her hands. I thought with all the shit we'd been though, and our kids, that she'd deal with me differently but I realised, she was always going to pull this trick and I wasn't playing up to it no more.

"Hey Ma. Hi my baby!" I spoke to my mother, quickly kissing her forehead then bent down to sit on the floor where Nova was tumbling about. She'd been standing without assistance recently and I couldn't believe my baby girl was really getting ready to start walking.

"Boy wash your hands before you touch my gran baby." My mom spoke, briefly pulling her phone from her ear.

"Ma she was just licking the floor." I joked back as I followed her instruction and she waved me off as she went back to talking.

By time she was done in her convo I was watching my daughter in a fit of laughter as i threw her up in the air.

"Ma you darker than me, 6 months in the sun got you toasted." I commented and my mom laughed, I know she was gassed up. She had just returned from her 3 month cruise/3 month tropical vacation get away and I couldn't be happier to have her back. My mom was the best part of me, she was so gentle, caring, understanding and present. With all i'd watched her go through and what we'd been through together, I could never disrespect her.

"The internet say mom breezy got her groove back!" she said excitably with a little dance and I rolled my eyes. Ew.

"Ma, please stop." She continued to laugh at my distaste and I laughed along with her as Nova bounced on the counter top.

"What are your plans for your birthday this year?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know ma. 33 ain't a big birthday, I mean i'll probably just hang with the kids. Nothing major." I responded and she shook her head.

"When are you going to prioritize your happiness over your career baby?" She questioned and I turned my face up.

"What would make you ask me some sh- something like that ma? I'm happy?!" I shot back and she waved me off.

"You're lonely son. You have the kids and I know how hard you work, but don't you want love? You don't want to meet your person?" She asked and unlike any other time we had this conversation, I didn't feel like she was turning this into a Kamaiyah thing, she genuinely was concerned.

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