No going back

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"You're kidding right?

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"You're kidding right?... Stop being silly babe." She said slightly worried at first then chuckled clearly thinking I had to be joking.

"...It's true Kam. I'm sorry." I said plainly and watched her face fall. She was speechless.

"Wha- I- what are you talking about Chris. What are you telling me right now?" She asked with choppy breaths and I shook my head into my hands.

"She wanted another baby a-"

"So you gave her one?! Are you fucking serious right now? I was in a hospital basically dead and you were getting your baby mama pregnant?!" she shouted standing off the bed and i stayed put in the bed, because if i ran behind her she'd just leave, and I needed to stay calm to tell her this.

"Look Kam, a lot happened while you were in the coma -"


"Jasmine and I never had sex, we weren't intimate. She wanted another baby, and she wanted to have it on her own - so i did her a solid." I said finally and watched Kam's eyes widen as she clearly tried to process.

"She got diagnosed with Lupus and she freaked out - she wanted another child and she came to me humbly. I couldn't tell her no." I explained further and watched Kam's eyes soften as they watered.

"Chris this is a lot. This is insane." she cried and I sighed with guilt. I knew I was breaking her heart, but I had to stand on the business that I chose.

"Kam I know it's weird and it's complicated, but I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't want you to find out like this."

"When was I supposed to find out Chris? When the baby came out looking just like you?! This is fucking crazy. You and Jasmine keeping this from me for this long? How could you?" She cried and I stood up to stand in front of her.

"I been wanting to tell you baby, and I know it's not ideal - but Jasmine made me promise not to tell you till she could tell you face to face." I told her and watched the life leave her eyes.

"Jasmine is not your wife Chris. I am! we promised we wouldn't keep secrets from each other - what about those promises Chris?!" She asked obviously unable to shout and i felt like shit then. More times than not, Kam could overreact - now wasn't one of those times.

"Do you really think you can have a baby, a whole child and not be in their life? What are you going to tell them? what will you tell our kids? Did either of you think about that? You think you can be wholly present for Heiress and not her sibling? That's dumb as hell Chris!" She was clearly going through the motions and I had to hear it all.

"Honestly Kam. I don't know, I don't have the answers. But we'll be okay." I said holding on to her hand and she held on to it for a moment before nodding up at me and let it go.

"I didn't sign up for this. I'm not doing this - you'll be fine without me. Obviously... I'm filing for divorce." She finished and my face twisted up.

"Kam you can't be serious. Divorce? Don't play like that." I said rushing behind her out of our room and followed her into her closet.

"You always think i'm playing, that's your fucking problem. I'm not doing this SHIT WITH YOU ANYMORE!" she shouted furious now and I watched as she dragged her suitcase out and started throwing random items into it.

"A fucking baby with your fucking ex, you think imma stay for this freak show. Stupid ass nigga. Got me fucked up" she mumbled as she threw things into the bag and I watched in silence as she did.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be Chris. Move!" she said stood in front of me as i blocked the door to exit.

"I'll die before i let you leave me Kam." I said simply and watched her huff.

"I will burn this fucking house down, get the FUCK out of my way. I don't ever want to see you again. GET OUT OF MY WAY!" she shouted furiously and I stood firm before we both caught eyes with her ringing phone and both rushed towards it but she got it first.

"Mama. Mama i'm done. I can't do this no more." she said frantically into the phone and i attempted to grab it from her hands but she moved to the other side of the table.

"Please mom just come and get me." She said into the phone and quickly cut the call.

"Kam listen to yourself right now, divorce?"

"I should've been listening to myself. I should've never done this with you!" She shouted angrily and my eyes softened at the venom she was spewing.

"Trapped myself in this revolving fucking door. You don't think about me, you never fucking have. A baby with another woman after I almost died having what i thought was our last? and it couldn't wait? you didn't even care enough to wait to make sure i was dead before moving on with your life?! You don't love me Chris - and maybe me not sticking around means i don't love you either. But I'm not, doing this." she finished and I lifted my hands to wipe my tears.

"You can't leave Kam." i cried lowly and she shook her head.

"Let's just settle this amicably Chris... I'll have my mother call you about the kids." she finished and dragged her things behind out of the room leaving me stood there on my own.

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