Momma Knows

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"Ugh, Fuck" I groaned in Mani's neck while she road me out to my peak

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"Ugh, Fuck" I groaned in Mani's neck while she road me out to my peak. We'd been going at it for hours. I had stamina but shit, she was next level.

"I see why you wasn't trying to give me none. It was for me not for you. Damn." I joked breathlessly as she slowed down and she giggled breathlessly.

"I had your eyes rolled all the way back." She bragged and I laughed into her bare chest.

"I had you forget your own name last night so we even." I joked back as she stood off me and I watched her move around my living room in nothing but her bra and panties, looking around.

"What you looking for?" I asked pulling on my briefs and she furrowed her brows.

"The condom Chris. You had it on, where did it go?" She asked frantically looking under the pillows on the couch and I watched her get flustered in the process.

"Woah woah, Mani, chillll." I told her holding on to her elbow and she paused for a second.

"It probably fell off at some point." I told her and she shook her head.

"Why are you being so calm? We have to be more careful babe." she said clearly frustrated and I sighed pulling her on to my lap.

"Listen, It was an accident we were in the moment, shit like this can't always be controlled baby." I said into her neck and she let out a loud sigh, clearly worried.

"Look, you stay here, i'll go get you a plan b. And how about in the meantime, you call your dr and we can make an appointment to go talk to her about our options for effective contraception?" I proposed and she held on to the side of my face as she remained in my lap.

"You'll do that with me?" She asked turning her face slightly to look me in the eye and i kissed the side of her mouth.

"Of course. It's both our responsibility, it ain't all on you." I said and she turned to me with her watering eyes.

"You are not about to cry." I said stale facing her and she pouted.

"You're just so sweet babe, I don't know how I got so lucky." She said and I immediately felt terrible, so terrible that when she moved to get comfortable on my lap again, I had to tap her side.

"Nuh uh. You had enough for one day, dang!" I shouted jokingly as I stood off the couch, leaving her there in a fit of laughter.

"I'm sorry babe. You got me strung out." She said laying on the couch while I stood above her and i bent to kiss her forehead.

"I'll be right back." I told her and ran up the stairs to throw on some sweats.


"I'm baaaack, and I brought lunch!" I shouted walking into my house and wasn't met with Mani in the kitchen like i'd thought she'd be.

"Babe!" I shouted again. Her car was parked outside like it was when I left 45 minutes ago but she didn't answer when I called out for her.

"What you doing? You ain't hear me calling you?" I said walking into my bedroom and she was sat cross legged on the bed.

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