Happy Birthday Sherlock

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A/N  This is in honor of Sherlock's birthday. January 6, 1857. (I posted this on 01/06)  It is just a cute fluffy story.  ENJOY THE FLUFFY FEELS!!!!!!

It is Sherlock's birthday today and I want to surprise him. Mycroft and I have been planning this for months, trying to find the perfect gift for the detective. A few months ago, I had drug Sherlock to the pub and we got drunk. He had let it slip that no one had given him anything for his birthday in years. I had decided then that I would give him an awesome birthday. I had endured hours of teasing from Mycroft when I asked him for his help planning this day. It would be worth it though, I am sure of it. I ran down the stairs, hoping to find my flatmate still in his room. He wasn't in the sitting room or kitchen, but I could hear the shower running. I only had a few minutes before he would be finished, and I wanted to have the coffee done at the very least. I hurried to put the coffee on and look settled before he came into the kitchen. I was pouring my coffee when I heard the shower turn off. I opened my novel and sat at the table, sipping coffee and engrossing myself in the book. I heard Sherlock walking into the kitchen and glanced up over my book and felt my heart tighten. He was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping from his dark curls and sliding down his thin frame. He hesitated as he noticed me sitting there, the flush on his cheeks darkening adorably. I squirmed in my seat as our eyes met, trying desperately to maintain that eye contact. He broke the contact first, shaking his head and sending water droplets flying.

"Good morning John."

"Good morning Sherlock." I managed to speak the words without stuttering.

"You're up rather early." Sherlock made his way to the counter and poured himself some coffee before hopping up on the counter and blowing on the hot liquid.

"Yeah, I kind of have a busy day planned for us. I wanted to get an early start." Confusion filled his face at my words.

"What do you mean you have a busy day planned for us? What if I had plans?"

"You don't have plans."

"How do you know?"

"Because I told Lestrade not to call and Mycroft has temporarily deactivated your email so you can't take any cases." The expression that took over his face was comical, a mix of several different emotions including surprise and irritation. There was something else hidden there, something I couldn't quite place. "And don't even think of hacking in to my account because he suspended mine as well." I smirked at him and saw his expression flash from irritated to something more akin to an impressed smirk.

"Whatever has caused this sudden need to be that alone with me John?" I hate it when he does this, coming out of nowhere with flirtatious tones and suggestive comments. That is probably half the reason I can't focus around him. He is the reason I fell so hard for him.

"I am taking you out for your birthday." I brushed off his innuendo and closed my book, folding my hands on top of the hardcover, trying to look straight at the man before me. His legs were spread wide and I could almost see everything that towel was hiding. I watched as he stiffened slightly, furrowing his brow and taking a large swallow of his coffee.


"I want to do something nice for your birthday." He was quiet for a few moments, as though he didn't expect that response.

"What have you planned?"

"First we are going for breakfast, and then we are going to go to an escape room." Curiosity filled his light eyes at the mention of the escape room. I pushed myself out of my chair and walked to the sink, dropping my mug amongst the dishes from last night. I turned around to see Sherlock off the counter and only inches from me, stomach tightening at the closeness. My nose fills with the scent of his soap and aftershave.

"Thank you, John." His voice was filled with sincerity and emotion.

"You're welcome Sherlock." My voice was shaking and I prayed he wouldn't hear. He flashed me a smile before racing out of the kitchen to get ready. I took a minute to compose myself before racing upstairs to get myself ready for the day.

We left the apartment and went to a café that I knew Sherlock enjoyed. He even ate a crepe, this was one of the only times I have ever seen him eat in public. We then made our way to the escape room. This event actually seemed to intrigue Sherlock quite a bit. He even looked like he was having fun. By the time we finished there he was smiling and chattering. He kept talking, distracting himself from the fact that we didn't take a taxi home, but a private car from Mycroft. He barely noticed that we didn't go back to the flat until we were almost to our destination. He tried desperately to get me to tell him where we were heading but for once I refused to budge. We pulled up to the dock and climbed out of the car, Sherlock starting to act flirty to try and get me to talk. His talking ceased as we rounded the corner and his eyes took in the majestic sight before us.

I had booked us tickets on a pirate themed dinner boat. Mycroft had mentioned several times how much Sherlock loved pirates when he was younger and when I heard about this themed boat I knew I had found the perfect surprise. We picked up our tickets and boarded the massive ship, Sherlock's excitement level growing with every step we took onto the ship. We chose the outfits that we wanted to wear, each of us taking a captain's hat and a long coat, mine brown and Sherlock's a deep navy blue.

The night was amazing; I had never seen Sherlock so happy. The food was good and the show was phenomenal, men dressed as a pirate crew dancing around the tables, fighting as though a mutiny had broken out. Sherlock babbled the whole night, spewing every fact he knew about pirates. It was like watching a kid in a candy store, his excitement contagious.

The night came to an end too soon and we stood on the deck of the ship waiting for the signal that we could leave the ship. We stood against the railing, looking out over the water.

"Thank you John."

"You already thanked me Sherlock."

"I know, but you went above and beyond tonight and I can't wrap my head around the fact that I have someone in my life that cares that much." My heart swelled at these words. I felt his hand on my shoulder and I turned to look at him. There was something new in his eyes now, something that reminded me of lust. His hand moved from my shoulder to my cheek, his actions hesitant, as though he was unsure if he should be doing this. I smiled up at him and nodded my head slightly, hoping to encourage him. He stood there, seemingly unsure about what to do. It occurred to me that he probably never kissed anyone before. I decided to take over, placing one of my hands on his hip and the other on his neck. I had never kissed anyone this tall before, but I knew what to do. I guided his face to meet mine and pressed my lips to his gently. It was perfect, everything I had ever imagined it would be and more. I started to pull away after a few moments, not wanting to overwhelm him, but he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. The sudden action pulled a surprised moan from me, though it soon became soft noises of pleasure as the kiss continued. We regretfully pulled away at the sound of the bell, announcing that this night had come to an end. As we walked off the boat, I felt a sadness fill my heart. Sherlock would probably not want to even discuss again. My thoughts were halted however when I felt him grab my hand, entwining his fingers in mine. We found the car that was waiting for us and headed home. Sherlock placed his arm around me and held me close. I fell asleep in his arms, waking up later that night; snuggled up to Sherlock's side in his bed.

I knew I had given him the best birthday he had had in a very long time. 

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