It's Tradition

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A/N So I'm kinda hooked on the thought of John and Sherlock getting married so I wrote this. It's the night before the wedding and Sherlock hates the tradition of not seeing each other the night before the wedding. It's not my best, but its kinda fun. Enjoy <3 

This is a stupid tradition – SH

Why am I not allowed to stay with you tonight? – SH

It's bad luck Love – JW

There is no such thing as luck – SH

I don't like this – SH

Molly is boring – SH

Sherlock, I don't like this either, but it would be nice if there were at least one traditional element in our wedding – JW

If you don't like it either, then why are we doing this? – SH

I told you why Love – JW

Can we at least meet for dinner? – SH

I want to see you – SH

Greg is not letting me out of his sight – JW

There are sleeping drugs in the shoe – SH

You have sleeping drugs in your cigarette shoe? – JW

Big picture John – SH

I am not drugging my Best Man so that I can sneak out to have dinner with you – JW

Why not? – SH

Because it's wrong – JW

You know what else is wrong? – SH

This stupid tradition – SH

Sherlock – JW

John – SH

If you want to see me so badly, then text Greg. Maybe you can talk him into it – JW

Greg, I want to take John out to dinner – SH

Not happening – G

Either you let me take him out tonight or I come over, tie you to a chair, and shag him into the carpet in front of you – SH

God no! Please don't! – G

Then let me take him out – SH

No – G

I am putting on my coat, tell John to get the cuffs out of the bedroom drawer – SH

Fine! Fine, you can take him out. Just have him back before eleven – G

Thank you, Gavin – SH

John, we are on for tonight. I will be there to pick you up in an hour. Wear the blue shirt – SH

What did you do to Greg? He looks like he has seen a ghost – JW

He hasn't looked at me in five minutes – JW

I may have threatened him...... – SH

By telling him that I would make him watch me fuck you if he didn't let you leave – SH

Sherlock! – JW

He wasn't going to let you leave! – SH

You don't threaten people with shit like that – JW

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