The Club

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! This is just something I came up with while fighting to get some sleep...gave up on sleep and wrote this instead lol. Enjoy <3

John hated clubs. The only reason he was here was because his buddy Mike asked him to tag along. Regular clubs were bad enough, but this was the university club, all the students hung out here.

It was loud, obnoxious, and full of sweaty students.

"Mike!" John shouted over the music, trying to catch his friend's attention. "Mike! I'm going to take off man!"

"No! Come on! Stay just a bit longer!" Mike's face was flushed from the heat and booze, his face split in a wide grin. He clapped hand on John's shoulder and pulled him close. "I'll buy you another pint."

"Mike I-"

"Just stay for one more. Then you can drag my drunk ass home." John rolled his eyes and agreed, the protective instinct in him taking over.

"Fine, but only so I can ensure you don't get killed on the way back to the dorm, you fucking git." Mike crowed and waved at the waitress, calling her over and ordering another pint for John. Halfway through finishing his pint, Mike disappeared, heading off to dance with some hot chick, leaving John to pout over his beer. He spun the glass around on the table for a moment, trying to find his friend in the crowd.

"Hey Gorgeous, come here often?" An unpleasant voice filled his ear, causing a chill to creep along his spine. He turned and found himself almost pressed against a taller, dark-haired man. The man had short hair and dark eyes that appeared almost dead. He was grinning at John, his eyes sliding along his body in a sleazy way that made John's skin crawl.

John wasn't that opposed to being hit on by guys, but this one was creeping him out.


"Hmm, funny. I thought I had seen you before."

"I go to the university."

"That must be it. I'm James, by the way."


"Well John, want to dance?" John glanced around, hoping to find Mike somewhere nearby. His friend was nowhere to be seen.

"Sorry, I'm here with someone."

"Oh, you mean Mike Stamford? He just made his way into the bathroom with an attractive blonde." John blinked in confusion, trying to find another excuse. "Your friend is going to be occupied for a while, come dance with me." James grabbed for John's arm, trying to pull him closer. John ripped his arm from James' grip.

"Hey, listen man, I'm not interested." John felt a flash of panic as James grabbed at him again, his grip tight enough to bruise.

"It's just a dance John. Humor me." John struggled against the taller man's grip, trying to free himself without making a scene.

"Get off me!"

"Don't be like that, just one dance."

"No! Get off!"

"John?" A new voice cut through John's panic, pulling his attention away from his attacker. A vaguely familiar young man stood just off to James' side, swaying subtly to the music. John recognized him as one of Mike's friends, from his criminology class or something. "I was hoping you would show Sweetheart. Is everything alright?" The lanky young man swayed over to John wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning down to whisper in his ear. "Mike noticed you were having some difficulties, asked if I would assist you. Play along." John felt the pale man press a kiss to his ear before straightening.

"Who is this John?" James asked, seemingly suspicious of the new addition.

"I'm Sherlock, his boyfriend. Might I ask why you've got your hands all over my John?" Sherlock! That was his name! John was starting to remember the pale boy. He looked way too young to be in the club.

"Your boyfriend? I've heard that before. What's wrong, John? Was I making you uncomfortable? Had to call in reinforcements?"


"John and I have been together for three weeks now."

"Prove it."

"Fine." Sherlock turned to face John, cupping his cheek and leaning down, his lips just barely brushing John's. "Trust me." He whispered before capturing John's lips with his own.

John fought the urge to resist and leaned into the kiss. Sherlock turned out to be a very good kisser, and John's alcohol slowed mind decided that this was a good thing. Sherlock grinned against his lips, chuckling deeply as he pulled away, John teasing his lips with gentle nips before he got too far away. Sherlock glared pointedly at James, while John just stared at his pretend-lover in awe.

"Satisfied James?" Sherlock's tone was snarky and smug, and John couldn't get enough of it.

"My apologies." James stepped away from them, though he had turned his unpleasant gaze towards Sherlock. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card, handing it to Sherlock. "Here's my number. Call me when this doesn't pan out." Sherlock's lips twisted into a grimace and he pushed the card back at James, shoving him away in the process.

"Thanks, but no. Now, please leave us." James winked before turning away and sauntering back towards the dance floor. Sherlock turned to face John, the open persona gone and replaced by a blank seriousness. "Are you alright?" John nodded, still slightly undone by the kiss. "Will you please say something so I know he didn't break or drug you?" John shook himself out of his daze, grinning up at Sherlock and easily slipping into flirtatious mode.

"He wasn't the one that broke me." Sherlock blinked, looking as though John's words were unexpected.

"Good- I-I mean- I should- I-I have to go." Sherlock stuttered, suddenly looking horrifically uncertain. "You should get Mike home."

"He can call a cab. Come on, I'll walk you home."

"I have no need for an escort John, I am not intoxicated."

"Fine then, you can walk me home. I've been drinking."

"You are far from intoxicated John."

"Yeah? Well I was just attacked, I don't really feel comfortable walking home alone." John pressed himself closer to Sherlock, smirking up at the pale boy. Sherlock seemed to get some of his confidence back, returning John's devious smirk and placing his hands on the shorter man's hips. He pulled him close and leaned down, his lips just barely brushing John's.

"If I didn't know any better Mr. Watson, I would say you were trying to get me in bed."

"Maybe I am. Problem?"

"Moving a little fast, aren't we?"

"You're the one that snogged me first."

"I was helping you."

"And you did a lovely job of it. Now, walk me home?" Sherlock grinned and took John's hand, dragging him from the stuffy air of the club.

John couldn't help but wonder why he had never met this strange boy before.

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