John Watson's Wedding

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! Omg this is probably the sweetest, most angsty thing I have written in a while. I totally cried while writing it....Kinda embarrassing while you are in public lol.....Enjoy<3

Today is their wedding.

Today, John Watson will be marrying Mary Morstan. Miss Mary, with her two friends and 'Orphan's lot'. I tried to find more people for her to invite, but she just kept insisting that she had no one. The church will be filled with John's friends and family, and in turn, my friends.

It should be me marrying John Watson.

I have loved him every day for almost four years, she has known him for less than two. How is that fair? How could not have known? I'm not exactly subtle! At least, I don't think I am.

I should be getting ready, John is expecting me at the church soon. Mrs. Hudson is prattling on about everything is going to change now that John is getting married. I know she's right. He promised it wouldn't, but it's already starting.

The only times I see him anymore is when Mary needs help with the wedding. The wedding is today, I will never see him again after tonight.

Mrs. Hudson is gone now, I really should be getting ready.

Why does this have to hurt?

I am standing next to John now. He looks amazing, in his perfect suit and amazing smile.

Is it wrong to hate the bride on her wedding day?

He looks nervous. Isn't he supposed to be happy today? He is marrying the woman of his dreams after all.

"You're nervous?" I ask him, I don't know what to say to comfort him.

"A little."

"Shouldn't you be happy?"

"I'm happy too."

"Ah." I glance around, the church is full of friends, all dressed to impress with gleeful smiles and teary eyes.

How boring.

"Let's go outside for a minute. I need some air." John says, he takes my elbow and drags me along. I would follow you to the moon John, no need to drag me.

We get outside, there are no people behind the church. We are alone. He looks so nervous, more so than before.

"What's wrong John?"

"Nothing Sherlock. I just needed to get out of there." I want to hold him. To tell him its okay, that soon enough he will be married to the woman he loves.

Those words would be lies coming from my mouth, but to him, they are his truths.

"I'm sure Mary is just as nervous as you are." I say instead, I hope he doesn't hear the bitterness in my words.

"Why would she be nervous?" What? I am so confused. I don't like being confused. He smirks at me, that lovely smirk he gives me when I look lost. "She isn't getting married today." My head hurts.

"What?" Have I disassociated that much that I missed him splitting up with Mary? That's impossible. I would have seen if that happened. He would have told me. "I-I thought-"

"Mary and I are just friends." My head is spinning. I want to hope, but John is still getting married today, so there must be someone else.

"I-I don't understand." He chuckles, I love his laugh.

"You should put that on a t-shirt." He winks at me. My heart tries to stop beating. What is happening? He steps close, closer than he has stood in a long time. He smells like home. I miss his smell. "I'm not marrying Mary today Sherlock."

"But you- it's your wedding."


"Who are you marrying then?"

"Figure it out." My head is floating away from me. I chew on my bottom lip and I can feel my fingers twitching. I run through all the people he knows, I don't know. I watch him as his smile grows. I love his smile.

He steps closer to me, he is almost pressed against me now. His hands are gripping mine and electricity is shooting through my body.


"Figured it out yet Love?" I can't breathe. What is happening? He called me Love. I study his face, the face I memorized the first time I saw him. His eyes are wide and glassy, his bottom lip is trembling. He looks, hopeful.

There is a question in his eyes. He is asking me something. I don't understand. Who is he marrying? My heart is trying to convince me that it's me he is marrying. But that doesn't make sense.

I look at him, standing there in his perfect suit. The suit that matches mine. Something about that bugs me. All the research I did on weddings and bridal parties told me that the best man's suit shouldn't match the groom's, but he insisted. He said he wanted us to-

"Oh." My body lights aflame in a cold fire.

"There it is." He is grinning now, looking at me with pride as I figure it out.

This isn't just his wedding.

It's ours.


"What do you say Love? Marry me?"

"B-But Mary-"

"Mary and I haven't been together in months. You just never noticed."

"Does- does everyone know?"

"Nope. They all think they are here for mine and Mary's wedding. Everyone except your family of course."

"M-My family?" My chest is tight, I can't breathe. John is marrying me? He wants to be with me?

"Yep. Someone has to give you away." He is blinking back tears now, and I know I'm doing the same.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"I could never find the words. And you probably would have bailed on me if you knew. I knew that you would do anything if you thought it would make me happy, so I told you I was getting married and wanted you to stand with me." I can't stop the chuckle that falls from my throat. God, I love this man.

I can say that now.

"God, I love you." I whisper, feeling my chest swell and constrict at the same time at the way his perfect face lit up at my words. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too Sherlock." Tears slipped from his eyes and he moved one of his hands to the back of my neck. His fingers brush against my skin and tears fall from my own eyes. He pulls my down to brush his lips ever so gently against mine.

I can feel my scattered universe finally aligning. All my broken pieces finally falling into their rightful places.

John Watson loves me, and I can love him freely.

"You never answered." His lips are moving against mine as he speaks, and I can't imagine a more perfect feeling.

"Yes. God, yes." His grin could light the darkest night and make it brighter than the brightest day.

Today, John Watson is getting married.

Today, John Watson is marrying me. 

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