The Pirate Vs The Royal

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! so a while back stickersivan requested a smutty pirate fic....I finally finished it!!!! Hope you like it!!! Enjoy <3

"Cap'n! We've taken down a Navy ship." John grinned, swinging his legs off the side of his bed and grabbing his hat and cutlass.

"Excellent! Have you taken care of the crew?"

"Well sir, not exactly." John spun to face his First Mate, Mikey. The short, heavyset man flinched as the action, fiddling with his hat and staring worriedly at the color.

"What? I thought I said; 'no prisoners?' What part of that did you not understand?"

"W-Well- uh I-I mean- the- the C-Captain-" John growled and stepped closer to the other man, irritation flooding his veins.

"Spit it out Stamford. I've no time for your nervous tittering."

"Sorry S-Sir. T-The C-Captain Sir, he called a Parlay." John blinked uncertainly. The only people that ever called for Parlay were other pirates, not Navy Captains. He pushed past Stamford and hurried up to the deck.

His crew was shouting excitedly, crowded around the mast of the ship. He pushed his way through the crowd, the shouts and laughter of the crew falling quiet as they became aware of his presence. He elbowed his way to the middle of the crowd, taking in the sight that lay before him.

A tall, thin, pale young man was tied to the mast, hands bound above his head. He was shouting at one of the crew members and tugging on his restraints.

"-for a Parlay. You are required by law to take me to your Captain, with no harm done to my person." The crew laughed, causing the man to blush and fight harder.

"If you wish for the Parlay to be fulfilled, then stop tugging on your ropes. You'll injure your wrists." John spoke, loud enough for his voice to be heard over his crew. The pale man's eyes met his and a chill ran down his spine.

"Tell your Captain I wish to speak to him, if you have the brain cells left to do so." John smirked, stepping closer to the young man and signalling for his crew to cut him down.

His knees struck the deck and one of the crew members grabbed him by his curls and forced his head back, placing a cutlass at his throat. John knelt in front of the man, allowing a dark edge to taint his smirk.

"I'm the Captain of this vessel boy. You called for a Parlay, consider yourself lucky I'm even talking to you. Parlay is only honoured between pirate captains, not Naval Officers. So, speak before I have Greggy here take you downstairs." He leaned in close and growled into the ear of the pale man. "We've been at sea for a long time and my crew is rather lonely. My cabin does an excellent job of blocking out screams from the Brig." He could feel the tension in the younger man's body grow.

"You would have your men sodomize me, simply because I'm not a pirate? Not exactly in keeping with your moral code, is it, Captain Watson?"

"I would have my men do nothing more than take you down to the Brig. What happens to you down there is none of my concern, as I said; I can't hear anything from my cabin."

"You don't seem too concerned that a Naval Officer knows your name."

"I'm a pirate captain that controls a fleet of ships nearly 20 wide. I would be concerned if you didn't know my name." The young man smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. John felt a flare of danger in his gut. This strange young man had piqued his interest to say the least. "You have me at a disadvantage though, I've yet to learn your name." The young man licked his lips and chuckled.

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