King of Candy Mountain

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! I had a rough day today and was feeling really fluffy so I wrote this fluffy nonsense. It's just super cute and fluffy. Enjoy<3

*Edited* I noticed a small error so I just fixed it. 

John made his way to Mrs. Hudson's flat to pick up Rosie, where he had left her for the day while he was at work. His phone beeped just as he reached the door. It was a text from Sherlock.

I have Rosie – SH

Where are you? – JW

Please tell me you aren't on a case – JW

John – SH

I told you I didn't want her going out on cases unless I was there – JW

Relax, we are at home – SH

I am helping her defend the palace – SH

We could use the assistance – SH

What? – JW

Come upstairs – SH

The password is 'Queen Elsa is a princess' – SH

I need a password? – JW

Yes – SH

I can't let you in until you say the password – SH

John laughed as he made his way up the stairs, stopping before the door. He knocked on the closed door and heard a shuffling coming from the other side.

"Who is it?" He heard Rosie's sweet voice and couldn't contain the smile that pulled at his lips.

"It's me Bumble, its Daddy."

"Daddy! You need to tell me the password before Lock can let you in."

"Queen Elsa is a princess." He heard more shuffling before the door swung open, revealing a rather dishevelled looking Sherlock. He had a sheet tied around his neck and a pot on his head. John laughed, unable to contain the joy he felt at seeing the brilliant man playing with Rosie.

"Don't laugh John. I am the King of Candy Mountain and I must defend my borders from the Snot Monster's forces. This is serious." John entered the flat, pressing a kiss against Sherlock's lips as he passed. Rosie ran up to him and he lifted her and spun around, kissing her cheek as she giggled.

"So why is the Snot Monster trying to breach your kingdom's borders My Lord?" He asked, setting Rosie down and taking off his coat.

"He is after the princess." Rosie said matter-of-factly, playing with her toy stethoscope and microscope.

"He's after the princess? Well that's not good. Are you the princess?"


"And who is the Snot Monster?"

"Uncle Myc." John looked at Sherlock in disbelief, there was no way they could have gotten Mycroft involved in her little game.

"Mycroft is the Snot Monster?"

"Yes John, we currently have him confined to the eastern side of the kingdom."

"Is he locked in the bathroom?"

"That is correct." John heard his phone go off.

John – M

Get me out of here – M

Your child is insisting that I am a monster – M

Sorry Mycroft, I'll try to talk them into letting you out – JW

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