Victor Trevor

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A/N Saw something on Tumblr and ran with it. TRIGGER WARNING!!!! This one talks about verbal, physical and sexual abuse. There is also the tiniest bit of smut so a minor SMUT WARNING!! is needed. You have been warned..... Enjoy <3

"Sherlock Holmes?" I looked up to see a handsome young grinning down at my husband. I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest at the aggressive look on his face. He was tall, thin, and blonde, and carried himself with all the poise of a Holmes. I felt Sherlock tense beside me at his voice. He looked up and I could see him struggling to keep an impassive face. Who the hell was this guy?

"V-Victor Trevor?" Sherlock never stuttered unless he was emotionally overwhelmed or in the throes of passion. I shifted uncomfortably and placed a hand defensively on his thigh. He flinched away at the contact. What the hell is happening?

"How have you been? Its been an age! Give me a hug." Victor held out his arms and signaled for Sherlock to come closer. Sherlock wiped the corners of his mouth and placed his napkin beside his plate. The tremor in his hands was unmistakable. I had seen him like this once before, just after he had told me what happened during his time abroad. I tightened my grip on his thigh, sending him a concerned look. He looked at me and all I could see in his eyes was terror.

I watched as he timidly stood, straightening his suit jacket and allowing Victor to pull him in for a lingering hug. The hug lingered too long for my comfort and I could have sworn I heard him breathing in Sherlock's scent.

"God, how have you been? I heard you threw yourself from a rooftop, kind of fucked there eh sweetheart." That was it. I was the only one, other than Mrs. Hudson of course, that could call him that. I cleared my throat and stood, walking around the table and placing my hand on my husband's shoulder. Sherlock pushed himself from Victor's embrace and stood beside me. He was hunched over and trembling slightly, looking as though he was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry, who is your friend?" Victor's tone was condescending and he raked his eyes over me, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed.

"This is John." Sherlock's voice was soft and shy, and he refused to remove his gaze from where it had settled on the floor.

"How nice, found yourself a friend finally? Its about damn time. You should have seen him back in uni. He was the most awkward, unattractive tangle of limbs I'd ever seen." The man laughed and I felt a flash of anger at his words. I was beginning to understand what was upsetting Sherlock.

"Actually, I'm his husband." I stated, winding my arm around Sherlock's waist and pulling him close. I felt him tremble against me, and fought back the urge to punch Victor in the teeth.

"Husband? Wow Sherlock darling, you found someone to put up with you? What's wrong with him?" Victor laughed heartily and clapped a hand down on Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock flinched violently, knocking against the table and sending our half empty glasses of wine spilling over. "Still so nervous sweetheart?" Victor's voice turned to honey and he stepped closer to Sherlock, causing my vision to blur red.

"That's it. We are leaving. Sherlock, love, get your coat." I knew that the anger in my tone probably wasn't helping Sherlock's tension, but I wasn't going to stand for this anymore. I signaled to Angelo that we were leaving and took my husband by the elbow.

"So soon? That is unfortunate, we must meet for tea sometime Sherlock." Sherlock worried at his bottom lip, seemingly looking for the perfect response.

"I really don't think that will be happening, but it was great meeting you Vicky." I snapped, relishing the shocked expression that passed over the pretty man's face. I tugged Sherlock out the doors and dragged him down the street.

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