Irene Adler (Part 2)

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A/N  Hey My Lovelies!!! A bunch of you requested a part 2 to the story about Irene helping Sherlock talk to it is!!! Enjoy<3

John, I need you to loan me Sherlock for the day – IA

If you can stand to be apart for a few hours – IA

Why do you need him? – JW

I need his opinion – IA

On what? – JW

Shoes – IA

You want to take Sherlock Holmes shoe shopping? – JW

Yes. He has impeccable taste – IA

You can come to, if you are worried about me 😉 – IA

I'll see if he is available – JW

"Hey Sherlock."

"Hmm?" The detective's sleepy reply came from somewhere beneath the blankets. John giggled and squirmed so he was also buried under the blankets.

He found his face almost pressed against Sherlock's feet.

"Where is your face?" Another grunt was all he got. He shifted around until he found his lover's face. Sherlock had somehow managed to get his head facing the end of the bed. John pressed a few soft kisses to his face to wake him. "What're you doing down here Love?"

"I was planning on waking you up by using oral stimulation, but I fell asleep." Sherlock's voice was thick with sleep as he nuzzled into John's chest. "Who was texting you?"


"Hmm. I am assuming she wants me to assist her in finding shoes."

"Yeah. She claims you have great taste."

"Well, I chose you, didn't I?" John blushed and giggled, kissing Sherlock again. "Tell her I will help her, but only if she lets you come."

"She already offered."

"Good. Then tell her we will meet her in an hour." He was about to get up when John pulled him close, pressing against him and kissing him once more. "Hmm, perhaps you should tell her two hours."

"No, not those." John rolled his eyes, burying his face in his hands and groaning in frustration. Shopping with Sherlock Holmes was proving to be an irritating venture.

"Why not these ones? I like them!" John could hear the irritation in the dominatrix's voice.

"They do absolutely nothing for your ass, and the color is all wrong." Sherlock sounded almost as irritated as John felt. "Try on the black ones that John picked." Sherlock had insisted that John pick at least one pair for her to try. He had chosen a rather intense looking pair of strappy black ones, hoping he would at least get to see her fall off them.

The entire day, he had been fighting back jealousy. He didn't like the way Irene always had to touch Sherlock, blatantly flirting with him even though she understood they were together.

"John?" The voice of Irene pulled John from his thoughts.

"Hmm? Yeah, sorry." He shook his head, looking around for Sherlock. He caught sight of his detective rifling through the shelves. "The ones I picked were not satisfactory to His Holiness?"

"He hasn't seen them yet. He had taken off before I got them on."

"Well, let me see." He motioned for her to stand. She stood, placing one of her feet in his lap, coyly smirking as she slid it up his leg. He flushed and caught the foot before it reached its destination.

"What do you think, Doctor Watson?" She had that seductive pout to her voice that John hated.

"They look fine, but I'm afraid I don't have the same eye as my lover."

"I wouldn't say that Doctor Watson. You did manage to snag those cheekbones."

"Ms. Adler, would you kindly remove your foot from my boyfriend's crotch?" Sherlock's irritated voice cut through the air, causing John to jump and unceremoniously drop Irene's foot. The Woman turned and winked at Sherlock, presenting her foot for the detective.

"What do you think? Your Doctor has wonderful taste, doesn't he?" Sherlock looked fondly at said doctor, a soft smile pulling at his lips.

"That he does." John grinned, standing and pulling the detective in for a kiss.

"If you two insist on snogging in public, at least take it into the changerooms. I'll stand guard if you let me watch."

"Ms. Adler, John and I will be leaving now. Those shoes will go wonderfully with your dress. They make your legs and ass look good and the color and fabric matches perfectly. Farewell Ms. Adler, hope you don't fall of your heels." Sherlock dragged John from the store, the shorter man giggling the entire way.

"That's why I chose those ones. I was hoping she would fall off them. That would have made my-" John's words were cut short as he was spun against a wall, Sherlock's lips cutting short any protests that were going to fall from his tongue.

"You, John Watson, are mine. I don't like the thought of her hands on you-"

"How the hell do you think I feel? She's like that with you to you know."

"Yes, but it doesn't matter that she is that way with me. I'm gay, remember John? I have no attraction to her whatsoever."

"So? I still don't like it."

"Why not?" Sherlock sounded genuinely confused.

"Because Love, she specializes in sex and making people do things they normally wouldn't-" Sherlock cut him off with another kiss.

"John, believe me when I say that you are the only thing I wish to do." John blushed furiously at his words. "Now, can we please go home so I can do just that?" John grinned devilishly and nodded, pulling Sherlock in for a kiss that left him breathless.

"Mine." John growled when he broke the kiss.

"Mine." Sherlock grabbed his hand and dragged him from the mall.

A few minutes later, while they were safely tucked away in a cab, John felt his phone go off.

You're welcome Doctor Watson 😉 – IA

Why should I be thanking you? – JW

In my experience, jealous sex it the best kind of sex – IA

I have also found that butter helps to prevent the bites from bruising. Just apply it when you're done – IA

Wait.... you were hitting on me, on purpose?? – JW

John, you really should remember that I, as well as Sherlock, am gay – IA

Enjoy boys ❤ - IA

.... Thank you, Irene – JW

Anytime Gorgeous 😉 – IA

***BTW a teacher of mine told me about the butter actually works..kinda weird lol...***

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