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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! I thought of this the other day and couldn't get past it until I wrote it out. It is set to 'Enchanted' by Taylor Swift (Of course) and is written in a Fairy Tale AU Enjoy<3

***Totally just realized that the link to the song didn't work...Here it is***

The ball was dreadfully boring, as always. Sherlock was never sure why his brother always insisted that he attend, he just got bored and wound up pissing off some foreign diplomat. He stepped out of the crowded ballroom, breathing in the fresh air he found on the balcony. He leaned against the railing, trying to block out the sounds of the party behind him. He fiddled with the mask he had been forced to wear.

He hated Masquerade Balls

"I see I'm not the only one that hates parties." A voice came from behind Sherlock. He turned to see a new man, also wearing a mask, standing in the doorway. Sherlock shrugged and returned to his original position, suddenly very glad for the itchy mask he was wearing. People never treated him the same once they knew who he was. "Though, I guess it must be worse for someone in your position."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're the Prince. You can't just leave when you get bored."

"How did you know I am the Prince?" The mask covered most his face, there was no way anyone should have been able to guess who he was.

"I was talking to your brother just a few minutes before the ball started. You were standing right there."

"Oh. I must have deleted that." The new man chuckled, leaning against the railing beside Sherlock. "I'm Sherlock by the way."

"John." The man had a nice smile, and Sherlock could see through the eyes of his mask that the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. They stood together for a long while, listening to the sounds of the party.

"I'm leaving." Sherlock decided, pushing off the railing and turning to face John.


"Yes. Will you join me John?"

"You want me to run away with you?" Sherlock stepped closer to John, forcing the shorter man's eyes to have to lift to meet his.

"In a way, yes. Let me walk you home."

"I won't get accused of kidnapping the Prince?"

"I can't promise that." John thought for a moment before grinning and grabbing Sherlock's hand. He glanced back at the door before leaping over the balcony railing, Sherlock following close behind.

They ran through the gardens, hand in hand, giggling as they went. They made it to the gates and hesitated when the guards caught sight of them.

"Keep your mask on and follow my lead." John whispered, stepping forward to meet the guard.

"What business have you here?"

"I am a doctor at the Hospital. I was just called in for an emergency, let me pass."

"What about your friend?"

"This is my date. He doesn't do well with crowds and I don't wish to leave him here alone." Sherlock flushed beneath his mask. John had called him his date. The guard studied them for a moment before stepping aside, letting them pass. John grabbed Sherlock's wrist and dragged him through, hurrying down the street.

"That was brilliant! You are a fantastic liar John."

"Well, it wasn't entirely a lie."

"So, you are a doctor?"

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