The Lawyer

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! I am so so sorry I haven't posted in a while!!!! It's been a crazy few days for me...first my family had a huge party, which never happens tbh, then my husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary, then I needed a day to recoup (because I'm lazy af and walking around the zoo all day damned near killed me lol) But I'm back and have lots of ideas planned for you all!!! Just a note about this one....I know nothing about the British court systems and all I know of the American/Canadian courts is what I have seen on SVU and other such shows, so if this is off I apologize!! 

Anyways....I just wanted to say I missed you guys and I love you all!!! Enjoy<3

Sherlock was led into the courtroom, none too gently, and listened to the people chattering around him. He caught sight of Lestrade, his arresting officer, sitting in the back corner looking guilty. He sent the DI a cheeky grin and took his place at the front of the room. Gavin felt guilty for arresting his boyfriend's little brother, but Sherlock had brought it on himself. Besides, he wasn't worried, Mycroft had hired the best lawyer in the country to defend him.

There was no way Sherlock was going to prison.

He glanced around, trying to find his attorney in the crowd. The pudgy man, Sherlock could never remember his name, was nowhere to be found.

This wasn't looking so good.

"Mr. Holmes." Sherlock looked up at the judge, putting on his best 'I'm innocent, please believe me,' face. "Where is your attorney?"

"I am unsure, Your Honor." He answered honestly, still playing the innocent card. This judge wasn't familiar with his antics, so Sherlock decided that it was in his best interests to behave. "I haven't spoken to him since our last meeting two days ago."

"Your Honor, if Mr. Holmes has no attorney, then I move for immediate judgement. He is unable to-"

"John Watson for the defense!" The door to the courtroom slammed open, revealing a flushed man. The man hurried up the aisle, pulling out papers and fighting with his briefcase. "My sincerest apologies Your Honor, Mr. Holmes. I was just made aware of this case this morning, and needed time to file some things." Sherlock watched the man in awe as he dropped his case on the table and winked at Sherlock before turning back to the judge.

"That's quite alright Mr. Watson, you nearly missed your client's chance."

"Yes, I apologize Sir."

"Very well, how does your client plead?" Sherlock opened his mouth to respond, but John silenced him with a look and pulled out a pair of blue files.

"Not guilty, and I have here a motion to dismiss all charges due to mental disease or defect." The courtroom erupted into chaos, the prosecutor demanding Bench, Sherlock objecting loudly, the judge banging on his gavel. Throughout the whole thing, John Watson stood next to Sherlock, a confident grin on his face.

"Order!" The judge finally got the people calmed down, sending John a frustrated glare. "Mr. Watson, please explain your reasoning for the court."

"Gladly Your Honor." John glanced back at Sherlock, winking again before launching into his explanation. "My client has been heard by many witnesses, including his arresting officer, stating that he is a High-Functioning Sociopath. Upon his arrest, he was examined by a psychologist, who determined that while he is not a true sociopath, he does suffer from diminished emphatic response, and most likely falls on the autistic spectrum-"

"Your Honor this is ridiculous, the defendant is perfectly capable of making his own choices-"

"That's enough. Mr. Watson, prove to the court that your client is incapable of making rational decisions, and I will grant your request. I'm giving you two weeks."

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