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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So here is the request for the week!!! this is going to have a part two (As requested) but here is the first half!!!! This was requested by BookLover80s!!! Hope it's what you wanted!! 

In this, John is trans, and at 17ish has started taking Testosterone supplements....I hope I got this right...but if I did something wrong let me know and I will fix it!! 

Hope you like it!!! Enjoy<3

John hesitated before the doors of the school, clutching his books to his chest and breathing in a steadying breath.

It was the first day back after summer vacation, and to say he was nervous was an understatement. He fussed nervously with his hair, still trying to adjust to the new, shorter style, and reached for the handle.

This wasn't going to be easy, he knew that already, but he was sick of trying to be someone he wasn't. He swung the door open and stepped into the crowd, doing his best to ignore the stares he knew the other kids were throwing his way.

They still saw Johanna, the loud, boisterous tom-boy that had left the school for summer break less than three months ago.

John squared his shoulders and shook off the unease, making his way through the halls to his new locker.

"Jo?" John flinched at the voice that came from behind him, turning to face his classmate and occasional friend, Irene Adler. "Wow, you look- that hair! I can't believe you cut it all off!" John ran a nervous hand through his hair, smirking shyly.

"It's uh- it's John now, actually. And yeah, it felt right, you know?" Irene smacked her forehead with the heel of her hand and grinned, stepping close to John and pulling him in for a tight hug.

"Right, I totally forgot. Sorry John." She pulled back after a minute, clapping a hand on his cheek and smiling fondly. "I'm so happy for you, John." Irene stepped back, winking at John as she walked away. "See you in class!" John waved and turned, gasping as he collided with another student.

His books tumbled to the floor, one of the heavier textbooks landing on the foot of whoever he had ran into.

"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!" John blushed and knelt to grab his books, avoiding the gaze of whoever he had just assaulted.

"It's quite alright." The deep baritone that came from above his head, sent his blood running too hot in his veins. He glanced up to meet the curious gaze of Sherlock Holmes, the boy Johanna had been crushing on for nearly a year.

Apparently, the feelings didn't leave with her.

"I-I wasn't- I-I didn't mean to- sorry." John stuttered, his cheeks darkening in humiliation. That's a fantastic way to impress the hottest kid in school, Freak. The nasty voice in his head, the one that still sounded like Johanna, snapped at him, causing him to have to blink away tears.

"I despise repeating myself, but I will say it again; it's quite alright." John could hear the amusement in the other boy's voice and steeled himself for whatever harsh, teasing words were coming.

A gentle hand on his shoulder scared him and he flinched slightly, shying away from the contact.

"What name are you going by now?" Sherlock asked, sending a shock of confusion through John. He glanced up, meeting Sherlock's eyes and feeling his heart flutter in his chest.

"I-I- what?" Sherlock rolled his eyes, sighing heavily, even though his lips pulled into a soft smile.

"You've started transitioning no? What name would you prefer people call you now?"

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