The Bachelor Party

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A/N So this is kind of a follow-up to Best Men and Anxiety Attacks. Molly, Greg, and Mycroft organize a bachelor party for Sherlock and John. Enjoy <3

Sherlock woke up on the kitchen floor, a nasty bump on his head and his mug shattered by his feet. He sat up, blinking a few times to try and clear out the fog.

"John?" He called out, struggling to his feet. There was no answer. He wracked his brain, trying to remember what had happened.

Tea, they had been drinking tea, discussing the necessity of writing their own vows.

"Sherlock, are you alright?" He had started feeling dizzy. He passed out, John was-

Fear gripped his stomach at the memory of John being dragged from the flat, it was fuzzy, whatever he had been drugged with shutting his mind down. He found his phone and called Lestrade, trying desperately to calm himself.

"Lestrade here."

"Lestrade, no time to explain, John has been kidnapped."

"I know."

"Send your least irritating officers to Baker Street- Wait, what?"

I said I know John was kidnapped."

"I-I don't understand."

"Call Molly, she will explain everything. I must go Sherlock. Have fun." The line was cut off and Sherlock had to resist the urge to throw his phone. His fingers were shaking as he dialed Molly's number. He took a trembling breath and tried to calm his mind.

"Hello Sherlock."

"Molly, what the fuck is going on? Gavin told me to call you. Where is John?"

"John is fine, he is with Greg."

"Why was I drugged? What is happening?"

"Come to the Morgue, I will explain everything when you get here." Molly hung up on him as well, leaving him feeling more confused than ever.

John was propped against the makeshift bar when Sherlock called. Greg answered and easily brushed off the panicking detective, telling him to call Molly.

"So, if this is my bachelor party, what does Molly have planned for Sherlock?" He asked once his friend hung up. Greg looked pleased with himself, taking a swig of his beer and grinning.

"His bachelor party is trying to find you."


"That's right. We have left him a series of clues and hints all over the city. The challenge is for him to find you before midnight." John grinned, that was the perfect idea. Sherlock would have hated a typical party, with the strippers and booze.

"That is genius Greg! What if he doesn't find me in time?"

"That is the best part." Greg's eyes held a mischievous glint as he walked over to the large, covered thing John had noticed when he first entered the building. He pulled off the sheet and John felt his stomach drop. It was a huge Dunk Tank, filled with water and ice. "You get dunked!" He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck and fidgeting. Greg looked gleeful, practically bouncing on the spot.

"Ice water? Really?"

"Hell yes!"

"Well, if I know Sherlock, and I'm pretty sure I have him figured out by now, he shouldn't have too much trouble figuring it out."

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