In The Well

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A/N Okay my Lovelies....(That may be what I call you all from now on) This fic is what I think should have happened in TFP when John was in the well. Enjoy <3


"Hang on John, I'm going to find you."

"Sherlock, I can't-" Water splashes into my mouth. I can't breathe. It's so cold, so dark. I can feel the bones of a child crunching under my feet as I struggle to stay above water.

"John, it's alright, I will find you." I can hear Sherlock's voice over the running water. I want to believe him, but the water is rising and I won't be above it for much longer. Panic is setting in now. I can remember what happened in Afghanistan, the POW camp, the weeks of torture. They used water there, I know what it feels like to drown. I will never see Rosie again.

I should have told him, all those years ago, back when we first met. I should have grabbed him and kissed him after we chased that damned cab all through the streets. I should never have married her.

I can feel my limbs getting heavy. My heart rate is getting slower, hypothermia is setting in. I try to fight the chains, but I can't lift my legs.

"Sherlock!" I call out for him. I need him, where is he? Magnussen was right, I am his damsel, but this time he may not save me in time. I don't even know if he is on the same property as me. I am going to die here.

I should have told him. I should tell him now, but if he doesn't save me in time then he would have to live with that knowledge. Not that it really matters, he loves Molly, he just told her so. That thought alone is almost enough to make me stop fighting. I can't live without him. I know its not fair, not after what I put him through, but I just can't.

"John! Just a little longer, I promise." He sounds so scared, I want to help him. I want to take him in my arms and comfort him.

The water is almost up to my neck now, I am not making it out of here alive. I push myself on my toes, I've got to tell him. I'm not dying until he hears what I should have said.

"S-Sherlock?" I am trembling in the cold, my voice is shaking.

"Yes John?" He is out of breath, please be alright.

"Take c-care of R-Rosie."

"No, John I'm going to find you, just please hang on."

"She n-needs a f-father, promise m-me Sherlock."

"No! I won't let you die!"

"Promise me!" I can hear him crying, I'm so sorry Sherlock.

"I promise." He sounds so broken, I blink away tears. Today we are soldiers.

"I'm s-so s-sorry S-Sherlock." I whisper, I don't know if he heard me, but it's too late, the water is at my chin now. Not much longer. I should tell him. I need to tell him. My vision is fading, my body is shutting down. "I-I love y-you." Nothing. He didn't hear me, but that was all I had left. Its too late. I shouldn't have waited.

The water stops, what is happening? I can't move, can't breathe.

"John!" Sherlock! I can hear him. He is near, he found me! Its too late though. I'm so tired, I just need to rest my eyes. I can hear him calling, but I can't answer. I just need to sleep.

I can hear a scuffling sound, what is happening? I'm so tired Sherlock. I can feel something grab me, lifting me out of the water.


"It's okay John. I've got you, just rest." Sherlock found me. He is warm and strong, holding me out of the water. He is taller than me, propping me against him so I hang limply from his shoulders. I can't feel him though, I'm so cold it hurts.


"I've got you John."

"I-I l-l-love y-you."

"I know Love. I know." He is whispering, I can feel him start to tremble. No, he is going to freeze. "Help is on the way John, just stay with me."


"She is dead John, I couldn't stand the thought of her hurting you."

"G-Good riddance." I can feel him chuckle against me, if I could smile I would.

"Just rest John, I can hear them now." He's right, I can hear them to. I can hear the ambulance. He is going to make it. Sherlock is going to be okay. That is all that matters. I close my eyes, I'm so tired. I can hear Sherlock calling out for help.

We are going to be okay.

"I love you to John."

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