Chapter 7

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1 week later - Umi's POV - Age 25 - Jonin

I walk to training ground 1, late.

"YOUR LATE!" Ru yells at me and her puppy Kiki barks at me from her head.

I shrug. "Well, you see, an old lady was crossing the road and watermelons were rolling down a hill towards her and." I trail off while giving them a closed eyed smile and a small wave.

"Like that happened." Jay says to me in a calm tone.

I scowl at him. "Fine, if your so skeptical, you can spar against me in Tai-Jutsu only." I say to Jay who smirks.

"Fine." He says and I see Jack asleep under a tree.

I walk over and I pull out an alarm clock, I tie some wire on it and I tie it to a tree branch above  him and I set it off, making a really loud and annoying sound.

"Huh?" Jack says half asleep as he sits up and looks for the alarm clock.

"Get up, your sparring against Ru." I say above him as I stand upside down on the branch, looking him in the eye with my arms crossed and my hair touching the ground, having some of it in a small pile due to how long it is.

"Sensei, no." Jack says to me and I flick him in the forehead, sending him flying back into a rock. "What the?" He says shocked.

"I'm your squad leader, the only way I'm gonna make you stronger is if you listen to me, your clans are some of the best, the Hyuga, the Nara and the Inuzuka, I got put in charge of you three misfits even though some other Jonin said getting you guys to work together would be hopeless, get up, you don't want to tarnish your clan reputation do you?" I ask them in a calm tone with a serious look in my eyes that's blazing. "Get up, and don't make me say it a third time, I don't like repeating myself." I say to them.

"AH, MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL'S YOUTHFUL GIRLFRIEND AND HER YOUTHFUL STUDENTS. You know, that was a very good pep talk, that is, if your students even listened." Guy says as he stands on the branch above me with his group.

I sigh. "Well, good thing I decided to have you guys join us today, Jack, get up or you'll get much more than a flick to the forehead." I say as I see he's asleep again.

"These guys are hopeless." Neji says with a smirk.

"Neji, why don't you spar against your cousin Jay, Lee, spar against Jack, that should keep him awake, and Ten-Ten, why don't you spar against Ru." Guy says with a smirk.

"Yes Guy-Sensei!" Lee yells and jumps down to Jack and the other two do as he says but less enthusiastically.

"And me and Umi will spar." Guy says with a grin and I sweat drop.

"Isn't Kakashi kicking your butt enough?" I ask him and Guy laughs.

Guy aims a kick at me and I grab his foot, twisting him and I throw him into a tree and I jump down from my branch.

"Haha, now that's the spirit!" Guy yells as he jumps in front of me and we spar while the six spar against who Guy told them to.

Eventually Guy pins me down with a grin while we both breath heavily.

"Ok, you win, now get off." I say to Guy who gets off and I lay on the ground breathing heavily, that's when I notice its night.

"Sensei, Jack and Ru fell asleep." Jay says in a calm tone.

I get up. "Ok, Jay, I trust you'll wake them up, you guys get tomorrow off." I say to Jay who nods and I leave in a poof and I appear on my bed.

"Oh, your home, that only took all day."

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