Chapter 9

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A hour later - Umi's POV - Age 25 - Jonin

I take my Ninja gear off and I seal it in a scroll with Vic and Ru's ninja gear and I use the scroll to keep my hair up in like a sort of bun.

"Uh, Sensei, shouldn't we change?" Ru asks me and I shake my head.

"No, we'll be fine, besides, we have a few peeping tom's." I say to and scowl at the guys that are hiding behind a rock. I roll my eyes and we sit in the field, pretending to pick flowers.

"I don't like picking flowers." Ru mutters.

"Me either." Vic says and I roll my eyes.

This is why doing missions with Kakashi is fun, much more fun than a stupid C-Rank.

I keep an eye on my surroundings and I focus Chakra to the tips of my fingers as I see four people coming this way.

I frown slightly and Ru notices and glances over and hides behind me.

And people say Ninja are tough, acting time.

"Big Sis." Ru says worriedly as she points over to the men.

I look over and I put on a face of mixed emotions as Vic hides behind me.

"Looks like we have a good catch this time." The female says with a smirk. "Hmm, I wouldn't say the woman looks young, but she doesn't look old, she's not very pretty though." 

My eye unnoticeably twitches.

I'm an Uchiha, I'm one of the best looking Ninja in the world.

I get up. "Girls, stay behind me." I say with a small fake wavering voice. But hey, my acting must be good since I'm fooling the enemy.

"What's a girl like you gonna do?" The tall guy asks me with a smirk.

I just realized, my Uchiha crest is on the back of my shirt and my hair is up. I did not think my disguise through. Oh well, to late to change that now.

The side of my lips twitch, trying to form a smirk, but I won't allow it.

Oh if only they knew my strength. How much longer must I do this, I hate acting weak.

The three guys surround me and the girl circles the Genin.

Two men grab my arms and lift me slightly into the air.

Oh, this is killing me, when are those guys going to get here?

"Hmm, she's got good breasts." The third guy says looking me over.

"I'm taken, sorry." I say to him.

He glares at me and has the guys turn me around. "Uchiha?" He asks.

"That's it, I can't take this anymore." I say and I use the chakra in my finger tips to block the chakra flow in their arms that are holding me, I get release and I kick them in the balls and the woman comes after me.

I dodge her and I round house kick her in the back and I punch her into the ground. I pull out the scroll and I unseal my wire and I tie them up and finally Shin shows up. "Your late." I say and he laughs nervously.

"Jack fell asleep and he was the look out." Shin says and I roll my eyes.

"You men suck, at least I can count on Kakashi who actually watches my back on missions." I say to Shin and his eye twitches.

I roll my eyes and turn to the guys whom I captured. "Ru, Vic, good job." I say and I bend down in front of the guy who said my breasts were a good size and I slap him. "That's what you get for saying that to a taken woman." I say and Shin rolls his eyes and I hear a grumble. "Morning Jack, how was your sleep?" I ask and he panics and Ru and Vic laugh.

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