Chapter 63 Chapter 12 of Umi's Story

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The Next Morning - Umi's POV - Age 17 - Jonin

I wake up before Taiyo and I head to the kitchen where I pour myself a bowl of cereal and some milk and I work on my report from the mission and once I finish Taiyo walks in half asleep.

"Morning." Taiyo says to me.

"Good morning Taiyo." I say to her and she pours herself some cereal and sits across from me at the table as we eat and I finish my report. "Alright, now to turn this in to Lord Hokage like I should have last night." I say and I get up.

"Can I come?" Taiyo asks me.

I smile at her and I check her wounds to see they're already healed, how? No idea, its probably Tsuki's chakra. "Alright." I say to her and I place my hand on her shoulder as I grab my report and we appear outside the Hokage office and I knock.

"Come in."

We walk in and I look at Lord Hokage. "Good Morning Lord Hokage, here's the report I should have turned in last night but I was, how do I put this, forcefully pulled into family dinner since we had a guest and I had to me, traditional and be quiet at the table when I could have been working on my report." I say and Lord Hokage nods and I place the scroll on his desk.

"Who's the little girl?" Lord Hokage asks me.

"This is Taiyo, she's the daughter of my former Uchiha mentor Tsuki." I say to him and Lord Hokage nods. "Taiyo, say hi to Lord Hokage." I say to her with a smile.

"Hello Lord Hokage." She greets with a smile.

"Why hello Taiyo. Its nice to meet you." Lord Hokage says to her with a smile. "Umi, I assume you've taken her under your wing?" Lord Hokage asks me and I nod.

"Yes, Umi-Sensei is teaching me history at the moment!" Taiyo says to him with a grin.

I smile at her. "Yeah, she's excelling, I'm also helping her with her Academy Classes with what she doesn't get." I say to him and Lord Hokage nods.

Lord Hokage nods. "Good, well, you guys are dismissed and by the looks of it, your both in you pajama's." Lord Hokage says to us.

"Yeah." I say to him and I place my hand on Taiyo's shoulder and we appear back in the cabin where Tasu is and she purrs as I walk to my room and I change into a dark blue tank top with the Uchiha crest and black leggings. I tie my hair up into a high pony tail, leaving my bangs down and I tie my forehead protector on around my neck as I walk out of my room and I head to the living room where Itachi, Sasuke, Tasu and Taiyo are and I sweat drop at the two boys and two girls. "Uh, guys, calm down." I say and they all turn to me.

"Umi-Sensei!" Taiyo yells crying and hides behind me.

"Sister." Itachi says walking over.

I sweat drop as Shisui and Tasu scowl at each other. "Tasu, be nice to Shisui, Shisui, be nice to Tasu, Tasu was Tsuki's Ninken Partner who now watches over Taiyo when I'm on missions." I say to them and Shisui raises an eyebrow.

"This cat?" Shisui asks and I nod as Tasu makes a flying leap towards me and I hold my hand flat out and she lands perfectly balanced and I smile amused at everyone's reactions.

"Anyways, what are you two doing here?" I ask them.

'Yeah, you ask them, they'll listen to you.' Tasu mutters in my head and washes her chest.

I sweat drop at Tasu. "You could be a little nicer Tasu." I say to her.

'Tell him to apologize then.' Tasu says in my head annoyed.

I deadpan. "Fine, Shisui, Tasu wants you to apologize to her." I say to him and he falls.

"Why?" Shisui asks.

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