Chapter 11

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1 Month Later - Umi's POV - Age 25 - Jonin

I sit in the stands watching the fights. When it gets to Sasuke and Gaara's fight, we wait about 10 minutes and finally Sasuke and Kakashi show up.

"Your late Kakashi." I say while leaning over the railing.

Kakashi laughs nervously and Sasuke and Genma talk and Kakashi comes up here and I smile at him.

I hug him. "You've been gone for so long, I've missed you." I say to him.

"Uh huh." Kakashi says and we watch the fight with Naruto interrupting saying Sasuke will die against Gaara. Sasuke uses Chidori against Gaara's sand ball, I hear an ungodly sound and I immediately tense, majorly.

The next thing I know is that we're being attacked by Sand and Sound Nin.

I roll my eyes at them and I take out the ones after me.

"That makes 22." I say and Guy and Kakashi's jaw drops.

"She one-upped us already." Kakashi says and I smile at them.

"Round two." I say as a new bunch of enemies surrounding us.

We continue to fight them and when we finally defeat them all. "That was a work out." I say and I climb up onto the roof of the building to se a good look at everything and I see something unexpected. "Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, Asuma, Aoba, come up here." I say and they appear next to me.

They see what's up and I end up running with them over to where Lord Hokage was fighting Orochimaru.

I see him dead on the ground and I put up a calm façade while as Kakashi knows what I'm really feeling so he grabs my hand and he holds it tightly.

We leave after a few minutes and I go to check on my students who never got to their matches. I find them with Anko and I breath a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank kami your with a Jonin, one who at least can fight and protect you guys." I say and Anko grins.

"I found them just now, they were helping the injured get to safety." Anko says to me and I nod.

"Are you guys injured?" I ask the Genin.

"We're fine Sensei." Ru says to me and I nod.

"Ok, well, there's bad news, Anko, you stay and listen to, it involves everyone." I say to them and Anko nods. "Lord Hokage was killed by Orochimaru." I say and Anko's eyes widen majorly.

"What?" Anko asks and I nod.

"Me and the Jonin that were in the stadium who were awake, just found out." I say and Ru shakes in anger. "Ru, calm down." I say and she looks at me, angry and sad. I place a hand on her shoulder and Kiki barks and Ru sniffs. "Come on, I'll take you guys home, your parents are probably worried. Anko, you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She says with a smile.

I nod with a frown. "Come on you three." I say and I take them to their parents and the parents thank me.

"Who would've thought that your guy's Sensei would be an Uchiha just like ours was." Jack's Father says as he laughs while I sweat drop.

"Uh, sir, you already knew this." I say to him and he looks at me.

"You look familiar." He says and gets closer, while as I back up and Jack sweat drops.

"Your uncomfortably close." I say and he smirks.

Where's Kakashi when I need him.

"Ah, yes, your Mother was Yoshino and your Father was Fugaku, your the oldest of your siblings." He says to me. "Your the Heir to the Uchiha." He says and I put my hands up.

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