Only for Tonight Pt. 2

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(author note: someone brought up a good point about Zak being too young to drink. for some reason this really slipped my mind! sorry! please don't drink until you're of the legal age :) <3 )

//alcohol mention//

Zak woke up first, feeling terrible. His head hurt so bad. What happened last night? He started to sit up in the bed, but felt a weight on him. Looking down, he noticed someone else was in bed with him. A million things ran through his head.

"No, tell me I did not sleep with a stranger." Zak pleads quietly, his eyes wide. He pried the mans arms off of him, and scooter over to look at the dudes face.

"Darryl???? I slept with Darryl??????" He thought, face red completely, before realizing he and Darryl both had clothes on so it was unlikely the case. Plus, he doubted Darryl would take advantage of him when he was drunk, let alone want to do it anyway. They were just friends, after all.

Wait... was Zak drunk last night? He vaguely remembered his friends joking around and convincing him to drink a bit, but he didn't know he drank enough to not remember much? His head hurt too much to think about it. He looked at the alarm clock. It read 8am. He internally groaned before noticing the pain killers on the nightstand. He reached over and picked them up, taking them quickly with the water he assumed Darryl had set out for him. His heart felt warm.

"Was Darryl taking care of me last night?" He thought, contently, "How cute!!" He giggled a bit before covering his mouth, noticing Darryl shift around in the sheets.

"..Zak?" Darryl yawned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"God, he's adorable." Zak mumbled to himself, face warm.

"Huh?" Darryl asked, looking to Zak.

"N-nothing. What happened last night?" Zak replied, changing the subject. He was a little worried he couldn't remember much.

Darryl suddenly felt a little angry again, remembering Zak's reckless actions of last night.

"You tell me! What were you doing out at a party drinking? You're not even old enough to drink, Zak!" Darryl scolded, pinching the bridge of his nose. He reached over to the nightstand and put his glasses on, looking at Zak clearly and expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

"I know, I know," Zak sighed, "and I shouldn't have done it. I didn't exactly want to! And I didn't mean to get drunk. I'm sorry, Darryl" He put his head in his hands.

Darryl let out a frustrated sigh. "It's fine Zak, but what do you mean you didn't want to?" He questioned.

"I was there with a few friends. They were all drinking, and made it seem like I was being a party pooper!" Zak crosses his arms and poured, "I wanted to have fun with them! I wanted to feel included..." Zak trailed off and looked away. "They care enough to watch over me and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Zak. I found you in a bathroom on the floor with one shoe, drunk out of your mind. Clearly the didn't care enough!" Bad spat. He didn't know why he was so angry. He just wanted to wrap Zak in bubble wrap and keep him safe forever.

Zak didn't respond. Suddenly, the sheets had become very interesting to him.

Darryl pulled him closer and hugged him.
"Just be more careful next time, okay?" He pleaded, "And dont drink until you're old enough, you muffin! You shouldn't let your friends peer pressure you." Zak nodded, but didn't bother hugging Darryl back.

After a couple seconds of silence, Zak spoke up again. "So... why are you sleeping in my bed?" Zak smirked.

Darryl let go instantly, feeling flushed. "Wh-! You, you asked me to! You wouldn't let go!" He struggled to explain himself.

Zak laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'm sure I did." He said, sarcastically.

"You did! Oh my goodness," Darryl said, getting out of bed, "If you're just going to mess with me, I'm going home!"

"How am I messing with you? I literally remember nothing!" Zak laughed louder and followed Darryl into the living room. Darryl groaned, but didn't respond.

When he still didn't say anything, Zak got closer to him and engulfed him in a hug. The shorter boy buried his face into Darryl's chest.

"Thank you for coming to save me." He mumbled, voice muffled by the taller boys chest. He looked up at Darryl, who had the expression of a deer caught in headlights. His hands were up, shocked at Zak's sudden affection. Of course, he didn't mind it at all, but he wouldn't admit that out loud.

"My hero~" Zak smiled, teasing Darryl more.

"Oh my goodness, SKEPPY. Let go." Darryl said, red beyond belief.

"I will when you hug me back." Zak dared, holding Darryl's gaze. Darryl frowned to try to hide how flustered he was, and hugged Zak back. Zak giggles, "Now tell me you love me."

"What! Zak, no." Darryl said letting go and trying to push Zak away, but his grip was too tight.

"Say it, baldy!" Zak joked, hugging Darryl tighter.

"I'm. Not. Bald!" Darryl said, agitated. He sighed, wrapping his arms around Zak.

"Zak. I, I love you." Darryl said, hiding his face.

Zak's face flushed red. He didn't think Darryl would actually do it. Distractedly, he loosened his grip on Darryl a bit.

"Wh- what." He laughed, awkwardly.
"I love you too, Dari~" He replied once he gained a bit of his confidence back. "Okay now give me a kiss." He demanded. He was enjoying this way too much.

"WHAT! ZAK!" Darryl yelled before urgently pushing Zak away. He grabbed his stuff quickly before rushing to the door. He didn't want his friend to trap him again and force him to do something embarrassing that could possibly reveal his buried feelings. Zak tried to catch up, but his laughter made it hard to walk and see properly.

"Wait- Wait, wait, wait, Bad." He said between laughs. Darryl glared at him, face as red as a tomato.

"Goodbye, Skeppy." He said, finally cracking a smile. He couldn't keep a mean expression for long when it came to Zak. "You little muffin." He closed the door to Zak's house and urgently walked to his car.

"No, Darryl-," Zak ran to the door, opening it and looking outside. Darryl was already in the car, starting it.

"There's no way I could catch him now." Zak thought. Defeatedly.

"I LOVE YOU, BALDBOYHALO!" Zak shouted, causing nearby neighbors to look at him shocked, angry for disturbing their peace. Zak laughed harder as he saw Darryl's embarrassed expression through the windshield. He looked as if he wanted to get out and apologize to every person who had just heard Zak shout. But of course, he didn't. Instead, he immediately started his car and began driving home.

Once his car was out of sight, Zak went inside. Closing his front door, he dropped down, back against the cold wall. Once his giggle fit was over, he sighed, and gazed into his quiet living room.

"It boring without you, Darryl." He mumbled to himself, feeling colder without his bald friends presence. He sat for a couple minutes enjoying the quiet before the pain in his head started to come back, so he went to go lay down back in his room. He checked his phone and sent Darryl a quick text saying thanks again, and tried to sleep for a bit.

Snuggling into the blankets, Zak recounted every moment that had just happened. Darryl had come to help him. Darryl had stayed over because he cared. Darryl had said...

"Darryl said he loved me." Zak gushed in his head. He buried his pink face in the pillow, trying to relax his rapid pulse.

"Sleep, Zak." He reminded himself. With a smile on his face, he finally dozed off.


( author note: ty for reading :) feel free to drop me a prompt or request! Once again please do not drink until you are old enough!! Stay safe out there!!! )

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