Misspelt Coffee

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prompt: coffee shop au (old draft)
word count: 1300
final one-shot as a goodbye!

At first, spelling Darryl's name wrong on the cup was a total accident, but seeing the off expression customers face made Zak giggle.

After that first event, every following day that Darryl came into the store for his coffee, Zak would spell his name wrong. Today was the day Darryl finally snapped.

"Daniel? Seriously? You have got to know my name by now." Darryl raised an eyebrow at the fluffy-haired boy behind the counter. He narrowed his eyes, staring into the baristas smug expression.

Zak's half-lidded eyes and little smirk just seemed to agitate the customer more. "What? I thought your name was Daniel?"

Darryl scoffed. "It's Darryl! D-a-r-r-y-l!" He spelt out his name with finality, hoping to engrave it into Zak's brain.

"Maybe I'll get it tomorrow," Zak shrugged, a smile still plastered on his face. He put his brands on the counter, leaning over it into Darryl's personal space.

Darryl leaned back slightly, trying to get back some of the personal space he had lost. "How would you like it if I kept butchering your name?" He questioned, eyes trailing across Zak's chest to his name tag.

"Z-Za... Zak... Oh, come on! There's not even a way to pronounce that wrong!" Darryl pointed to the name tag in frustration. Zak giggled harder, hiding his smile between his fingers.

Darryl raised an eyebrow at the response. Finding his laugh somewhat endearing, some of his anger lifted and he lost words.

Zak's brown eyes melted the customer in his place as his train of through went completely off the railing. He looked down with an embarrassed stutter, eyes focusing on his coffee only to see the same color brown.

"U-uh," he stumbled, looking back up at Zak's goofy face. The customer's eyes darted around, looking at the various breakfast goodies to avoid eye contact. He hadn't felt this socially awkward in awhile and was positive his face was red now.

"Did you want something else?" Zak asked, gesturing you the goods under the glass with a peppy attitude.

"N-no! See you tomorrow!" Darryl replied, spinning in a 180 on his heel. He held his coffee carefully as he rushed out the exit.

The barista stared in bafflement as he watched his new favorite customize leave in a panic. His eyes trailed down to the forgotten coffee lid on the counter. The sight only made Zak smile more.

With a sigh, he leaned his body weight fully against the counter. He picked up the coffee lid, flipping it between his fingers. "Now to get on with the boring part of the day."

Unfortunately for Zak, he ended up having to pull a double shift because his coworker had an emergency and couldn't make it to work.

"It's more money," Zak reminded himself, staring at the clock as if to try and make time move faster.

It was 8:00 pm now, so he had two more hours to go. A pattern of raindrops hitting the glass windows to the coffee shop made Zak look up, and he felt a new disappointment rise in him.

Being tired was one thing, but now he'd have to walk home in the rain.

He lived close enough that taking a car wasn't necessary and just clogged up room in the parking lot (at least that's what his manager said), but now he was really wishing he had decided to drive anyway.

He was positive no one was going to come in anyway. People in the area rarely came out for coffee and breakfast items late in the evening, and now that it was raining Zak was positive he'd be spending the next two hours alone.

He sighed, pouring himself his own coffee beverage and going to sit down at a table. The rain poured down harder; Zak found it kind of calming. His eyes unfocused as he stared off into the distance, sipping his coffee carefully.

A jingle of the door made him jump, suddenly snapping back to reality in a rush. Embarrassed to be caught slacking-off, he instantly jumped to his feet, eyes scrambling to the soaked customer at the door.

Zak's heart rate sped up.

Darryl smirked, pushing wet bangs out of his eyes. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Zeek," he said, confidently.

The worker remained still, mind a mixture of emotions before he blatantly burst out laughing.

"What??" Darryl asked, crossing his arms, "Is something wrong, Zeek??"

Zak laughed harder. "Is that the best you could come up with? Oh my God, dude!"

The other boy's face flushed. "Oh my goodness, I thought it was good!"

"And you came back to the store in the pouring rain just to call me Zeek? What if I wasn't here?" Zak asked, crossing the store to grab and hand towel from behind the counter. After a quick glance at Darryl's drenched hair and clothing, he decided to grab two more towels.

Darryl turned even more red as he approached Zak and took the towels gratefully. "W-well, I wanted coffee too!"

Zak rolled his eyes, finding that being the only reason he came hard to believe. "Okay, what would you like to order? Get anything—It's on the house!"

Darryl smiled brightly, scrunching up his hair in one towel in an effort to dry it off. His eyes scanned over the menu, but he ended up just ordering his normal coffee order with an additional blueberry gluten-free muffin.

After getting his order ready, he handed everything to Darryl and the two sat down at a table together. Stubbornly, Darryl turned the cup around in his hands to see what horrendous butchering of his name had been written now.

His eyes widened as he saw the word "idiot" written with a heart around it.

"What the-! I-I am not an idiot!" Darryl argued, placing the coffee down with frustration.

Zak laughed. "C'mon, I drew a heart!"

Darryl sourly looked at the heart, finding it was a cute touch. "Okay, but I'm not an idiot and I refuse to drink this coffee!"

"Dude," Zak smiled, "You're ridiculous!"

"Whatever, you fatty," Darryl stuck his tongue out, taking a sip of his coffee anyway.

Zak leaned his head into one hand, resting his elbow on the table and he stared back out the window. The rain had only gotten worse, bordering a storm at this point. It would be dangerous to go out now.

Suddenly, he was really glad he had to work late. He wouldn't have had this moment with Darryl otherwise.

Darryl glances out the window too, the two of them finding some sort of peaceful comfort. Even though they were basically strangers, they both seemed to find each other familiar—Like home.

"Do you think it's going to stop raining soon?" Darryl asked softly.

"I hope not," Zak mumbled back with a smile.

A/N Closure

I've been getting a lot of messages from people saying they didn't know I had stopped updating, so I just wanted to leave a better goodbye message! I don't really check wattpad that much anymore.

I had a bit of this one-shot in my old drafts so I figured I would finish it and post it as a final goodbye! It was SO fun writing for you guys! But I'm not that big in the fandom anymore soo I'm not really up to date with a lot and writing about it doesn't make sense to do anymore,,

I did watch Bad shave his head though LOL that was so funny!

Hope all of you are healthy, and stay safe if you're going back to school! Remember to wear your masks!!

take care

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