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art by: @_needsleep__ on twitter

what is badboyhalos dog's actual name? I've just been referring to her as rat ?? is her name actually rat..?

request: sadboyhalo

Darryl had been pushing himself extremely hard lately. He'd done multiple long streams over the last couple days along with Minecraft Monday, and been chugging out a couple videos as well.

Many of the fans were beginning to notice, commenting questions about his mental health and such. They cared a lot.

Darryl ignored those comments.

For some reason, he felt like he wasn't doing enough for his fans. Everyday he would scroll through their fan art on Twitter and realize how much they did for him. How much they supported him.

He began thinking, couldn't he do more?

Tonight, he pushed himself to the point where his friends thought he was actually DRUNK. In reality, he was just sleep deprived, but he couldn't see it.

He muted himself in team-speak, despite hearing multiple of his friends screaming to explain where he was going.
They had been playing survival, he thought, but now he wasn't really sure what anyone else was doing anymore.

His head was throbbing slightly, probably from looking at all the electronics for so long. He checked the time on his phone.


"Ohh it's morning! A bucket of coffee will do!" He smiled, walking into the kitchen, still humming the "fish in a bucket" song he had been singing in his drunk-like state for the past 30 minutes or so.

Zak sat at his computer in his other room, a concerned expression on his face. Darryl had been acting SO weird lately. Of course, it was hilarious, but deep down he was seriously getting worried. He debated getting up right then to go and check on his friend, but realized he was still streaming Minecraft survival.

However, when Darryl hadn't returned to his computer after 10 minutes, Zak declares to the stream chat and the remaining people in the team-speak that he was going to go figure out what was up with Darryl, and ended the livestream.

He stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Is that... coffee I smell?" His eyes went wide and he rushed to the dining room. There, he found Darryl slumped in a chair with a cup of coffee in his hands.

He held it close to him with a small, adorably delusional smile.

"BAD WHAT." Zak yelled, causing Darryl to jump. "You can't be drinking that right now! Are you okay in the head??" Noticing Darryl's wincing, Zak reminded himself to stay calm. He took the mug gently out of his friend's hands, careful not to spill the black liquid.

Darryl let Zak's hands caress his own, enjoying the extra warmth for a moment. He frowned when he realized Zak took his coffee.

"Heeeyy! Get your own!" Darryl whined in a sleepy voice.

Zak walked over to the sink, shot a glare at Darryl, and dumped the coffee down the drain.

Darryl stared at Zak. "Very mature," he sighed.

Zak didn't laugh. He pulled up a chair next to Darryl, and got close to his face, inspecting him. He looked pale and had dark circles under his eyes.

"What has gotten into you lately?" Zak spoke in a quiet voice. "You haven't been acting like yourself at all."

Darryl just giggled. "I'm okay, muffin. Look, I'll go get some sleep now, so stop worrying." Darryl promised, standing up and heading towards his bedroom.

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