A Muffin's Memories

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here's your chapter you psychos don't spit on me

Darryl blinked at him. "What do you mean you have no idea who I am?"

Zak didn't say anything, but continued to give Darryl a puzzled look.

"Wait, say something again?" Zak asked, tilting his head to the side.

"What do you mean? Zak this is stupid. Are you seriously trying to troll me after everything that happened?"

"Your voice sounds sort of familiar." Zak thought for a moment. "I'm not joking. I'm actually confused."

Darryl stared into his eyes, seeing no sign of humor. Sadness and fear had built a home in Zak's eyes, and Darryl wanted to kick them out.

"Just wait here for a second." He took a deep breath and stood up, exiting the room to find a nurse or doctor.

"Zak doesn't remember me..?" His heart hurt. "Will he stay like this?"

He pushed the thoughts away and approached the doctor from earlier, explaining the situation to him.

"Memory loss is a common factor for those who have had a concussion as bad as his. Let's go and see." He explained, and walked to Zak's room with Darryl trailing close by.

Zak jumped when the two hurriedly entered the room.

"Hello Zak, I'm Doctor Burns. How are you feeling?" He paused, studying the small boy.

"Uh, my side hurts and my head." Zak said, wincing slightly.

"You were in a serious car accident. You broke your leg and a couple ribs, and suffered a major concussion." The doctor paused. "Tell me. What is it that you remember about yourself and your life?" He asked.

Zak rubbed his hands together, thinking. His head hurt, and he was starting to feel tired and nauseous again.

"Uhh.. I live in New York, my birthday is January 17, I have a dog, I play Minecraft..." he trailed off with a shrug.

Darryl winced. Zak hadn't lived in New York for awhile now.

The doctor frowned, looking to Darryl. "And do you remember this young man here?"

"Uh, no. Who did you say you were again?" Zak asked, trying not to be rude.

"Darryl? Your best friend?" Darryl offered, hoping to spark something. This was like being rejected by the one you love, but on a completely different, and much worse, level.

Zak just shook his head sadly. "I don't remember you."

Darryl's eyes stung. That was a lot to forget about. Their whole friendship, torn to shreds just like that.

"One moment, please." The Doctor nodded his head at Darryl and the two stepped out of the room, closing the door so Zak couldn't hear their conversation.

"Typically, memory returns to those over time slowly. If you can try to tell him stories and remind him of things, it would probably help. Only on rare cases does memory remain lost." The doctor explained quietly.

"Ease him into the explanation. It wouldn't be wise to overwhelm him with everything at the moment, as that will make the memory loss worse and increase stress levels."

They talked a bit more before the doctor bid Darryl a farewell and left, leaving him to deal with Zak.

He entered the room and sat back in his seat by the bed, eyes watering for a second. Zak raised an eyebrow at the now stranger.

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