The Biggest Troll Part 1

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art by: @KeyS0ap on twitter

IMPORTANT: im going to be changing the name of this book to "🔎SkepHalo Oneshots🔍" that way it stands out more!


Darryl was bad at trolling. He knew this, but once this was over, he would be consider the best troller in the whole world.

The only problem was the plane. He *hated* the idea of flying on a plane, but driving would take way too long. And that is why he was at the airport, suitcase in hand, shaking like a leaf. The plane would be ready to board in less than ten minutes. Darryl took a deep breath, deciding he would record a little bit of footage.

"So, I'm at the airport right now." He said, panning the camera around so it could see. "I'm incredibly nervous about this, but it will be worth it to see Skeppy's face when I get there!" He laughed.

There was an announcement saying his plane was ready to board over the intercom. Upon hearing it, his blood went cold.

"Uh... that's mine! Okay muffins, wish me luck." He stated, mostly trying to comfort himself.

He stopped recording and walked through a tunnel and onto the plane, searching for his seat. It was a window seat. He wasn't quite sure if that was good or bad yet. He put his small luggage above him and sat down stiffly.

"Oh.. my goodness." He muttered, trying to stop thinking about the fact that soon he'd be thousands of feet in the air.

Quickly, he got an idea. He took out his phone, setting a timer for 4 hours, as that's how long the flight would be. He plugged in headphones and started the playlist of music he had downloaded in preparation for the trip, then immediately closed his eyes.

This was going to be a long plane ride.

After 4 hours was up, he dared to open his eyes. Blinking a couple times to adjust to the light now, he realized he was very much so still in the air when he accidentally looked out the window.

"Oh wow..." he said softly, looking at the view. It was beautiful. He wondered what state they were over right now.

Then he felt sick. Thus, he set a timer for another hour and closed his eyes once more.

When the last hour went by, he took his headphones out to hear an announcement saying they would be landing soon.

"Thank goodness." He thought, relieved. He opened his eyes and prepared to bare through the tail end of the ride.

Once the plane landed, Darryl let out a heavy sigh he hadn't realized he was holding in. He smiled, realizing now it was time to find Zak.

He had asked one of Zak's mod's for his address a couple months ago in able to send him a present. Zak thought it was weird, but now it was definitely coming in handy!

He got off the plane and searched the airport for luggage pick up. Then, he took an Uber to a car rental place and picked himself a nice little car to drive around in.

He realized it was already past 8pm since his flight had a bit of a layover. He knew it was kinda late, but he really, really wanted to see Zak. Plus, he knew Zak had a habit of staying up late, so there was no worry about waking him up.

About 30 minutes later, Zak was editing a video when he heard a knock on his door.

"It's probably my sister." He thought, since she liked to visit often unannounced.
He saved his progress and pushed back in his chair, getting up to answer the door.

Usually his sister would just use the spare key, so it threw him off a bit that she was knocking.

"It's sorta late for her to visit." He thought, thinking it must be important.
He shrugged, unlocking the door and opening it. Instead of his sisters face, there stood a tall, green-eyed, smiling man.

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