Panic Attack

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(author note: Since my last one focused on Darryl's pov a lot, this one will focus more on Zak's!

please read at your own risk! if you're not comfortable with this stuff, feel free to skip to the fluffy part! I marked it with a
:D Or just skip this chapter entirely if it really makes you uncomfortable!)

/anxiety/panic attack mention/


Zak was currently in the corner of his room in the apartment he shared with Darryl. He had been holed up in there almost all day, sitting on the floor in the corner with his back against the wall.

He felt redundant. Annoying. Loud. Unoriginal.

These words kept repeating in his mind on a loop. In the very beginning of his YouTube career, nothing had affected him. He was having fun and he didn't care, but everyday little things just bothered him more and more. Rude comments ate away at his brain. Frustrated friends made his heart break. Recording videos became harder and harder.

"I don't wanna do this anymore." Zak thought to himself, crossing his arms and squeezing tightly, trying to make himself smaller, thinking that maybe if he got small enough, he would just disappear.

"I don't want to feel like this." Zak whispered, tears spilling from his eyes. His chest felt extremely tight, he thought it was from all of the squeezing so he tried to loosen up his arms, but he still couldn't breathe. The panic made him ball up tighter, and his breathing quickened, but he felt like he still wasn't getting enough air. His tears turned into quiet sobs.

"I can't let anyone hear me!" Zak screamed in his head. "I can't let them see me like this!" He tried to stand up to lock his door, but fumbled and tripped on himself.


His quiet sobs got louder, and his gasps for air became desperate. But all he could do was lay in anxious self doubt.

"Maybe Darryl isn't even home." Zak pleaded.

Almost immediately, there was a small knock on the door.

"Zak...? Are you okay?"

Zak's mind raced, and he instantly covered his mouth and nose, tears still spilling everywhere. Now he seriously couldn't breathe, but he'd rather suffocate than let his friend hear him. His vision went fuzzy and blurry, from the tears or lack of oxygen he wasn't sure.

Darryl was getting seriously worried. There was a lot of spastic sounding moments in Zak's room. It almost sounded like he was fighting someone and crying at the same time.

"Zak, I'm going to open the door, okay?" Darryl calmly stated, turning the handle.

"N-no! Darryl please I'm," Zak choked out coughing, "Go away."

Darryl had never heard Zak say something like that, and he sounded seriously hurt, so he opened the door anyway.

He saw Zak on the floor, hair a mess. His hoodie was rumbled and had dark tear stains on the sleeves. He had his hands over his face, like he was trying to hold in screams. His eyes were red from crying so much. Once Darryl came in, it seemed to get worse.

"I-I, oh my goodness, Zak!" Darryl frantically fell to the ground next to his best friend and grabbed his wrists, pulling his hands from his face.

Zak just shook his head saying no.

No, no, no, no, no.

"I don't want you to see me like this!" Zak cried.

"Hey.. hey.. it's okay, muffin. You're okay. Look at me." Darryl said, trying to remain extremely calm. He looked into Zak's eyes. They held so much and sadness and sorrow.

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