A Cold Night

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prompt: cuddle time

art by: @janaaayyyy on twitter

The two boys lay on the couch, watching their favorite show together. Zak was laying sideways, one leg across the couch and the other hanging off. Darryl sat like a normal person, silently judging Zak for siting like a weirdo. He rubbed his arms together, and then pulled his knees into his chest, hugging them.

"Woah, who are you? You never let your feet touch the couch!" Zak asked, out of shock.

"Sorry, it's just sort of cold in here." He mumbled, embarrassed by his own actions. Zak laughed at Darryl's expression.

"Hug him! Hug him!" Zak's mind yelled, but he pushed the thoughts away and turned back to the tv.

Another episode passed and Darryl only seemed to shrink closer in on himself.

"Dude, do you want me to turn the air conditioning down?" Zak questioned, seeing as Darryl was shaking like a leaf.

"No, I did earlier. It just doesn't seem to be getting warmer." He frowned. Their apartment was on the bottom floor, thus making it one of the colder ones, and it happened to be a chilly night out.

"Then go get a blanket or something! You're just sitting there shivering!" Zak scolded in a whiny voice.

"I just made my bed this morning. I don't want to mess it up." Darryl commented.

"So you're just gonna sit there and freeze?" Zak asked. Darryl nodded, rubbing his arms again.

"My brain." Zak mumbled, making a face of confusion and annoyance. "What about a hoodie? Don't you have one of those?"

"It's in the wash. I've already thought of everything, Zak." Darryl said, getting annoyed at Zak's continuous questions.

Zak rolled his eyes and got up, going to his room to grab a blanket. He picked up a big fuzzy grey one and approached Darry from behind, wrapping it around his body and tucking it behind him.

"Snug like a bug." He giggled. "You look cute." He sat back down on the couch without saying anything more, silently shocked he called Darryl cute out loud.

"T-thank you." Darryl blushed, not really sure how to respond. He snuggled deeper into the blanket. The only thing visible was his head.

He seemed much much warmer, but still shivered slightly.

"Oh my GOOOOD." Zak shouted after a few minutes. "You're shivering is practically shaking the whole couch! He pulled the blanket off of Darryl.

"Hey! What!" Darryl complained, reaching to grab it again.

Zak removed his light blue hoodie and threw it on his shivering friends face.

"Put that on." He commanded. Darryl blushed and did as he was told, mumbling a quiet "oh my goodness" in the process.

"There. Happy now?" Darryl asked after he got the hoodie on, crossing his arms.

Zak didn't respond, instead he tucked Darryl into the blanket again, and then put the hood on his head.

"He is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen. I will protect him forever." He thought.

"Shut up, brain!" Zak said out loud, earning a confused look from Darryl.

Zak blushed. "Don't look at me like that." He pulled the hoodie strings, making the hood block out Darryl's face entirely, minus his nose.

He made a muffled sound of aggravation and pulled the blanket down to remove the hood.
"Okay, I appreciate you doing this for me, but don't mess around, you muffin!" He smiled.

Zak giggled. "Sorry, it's just too much fun!"

For awhile, they didn't say anything more. Just continued to watch the show in silence. Darryl wasn't shivering anymore. However, every so often he would scoot closer to Zak, searching for extra warmth subconsciously.

It took awhile for Zak to finally notice, but when he did, Darryl had already moved halfway across the couch. Zak rolled his eyes and scooted over to Darryl until their shoulders were touching. He wrapped his arms around the bundled up boy and pulled him close.

"If you wanted to cuddle, you could have just asked." He laughed as Darryl's head hit his chest softly.

"Oh my goodness, no. Let me go." Darryl said, flustered. Zak laughed more and let him go, but didn't scoot away.

Now Darryl felt very warm and cozy, enough to fall asleep. It was easy to do that around Zak. He felt safe with him.

His head rested on Zak's shoulder, and he cuddled up against his arm.

Zak smiled widely, putting an arm around Darryl. He looked so peaceful. He took Darryl's hand with his other arm and held it.

"Why do I like you so much?" He asked out loud, admiring Darryl's peaceful expression.

"You are the cutest person I have ever met." He commented softly, rubbing circles on Darryl's hand with his thumb.

Soon, he too fell asleep.

author note: sorry for taking so long to upload. I started like 2784837 chapters but I didn't like how they were turning out. here's a small short one I just did for now! forgive me please <3

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