Getting Attached (3)

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Word count: 1996

Darryl fumbled up the steps of the school building to see Zak waiting there for him.

When Zak saw him, the boy groaned loudly. "It took you soooo long to get here, dude!"

Darryl gave him an awkward smile, not knowing how to act or say after what Zak said over the phone earlier.

Zak raised his eyebrows at Darryl. "So where's my hoodie? Or did you keep it so you could cuddle it at night?"

The accused boy blushed out of embarrassment. He didn't want to admit that he had indeed cuddled it that night.

In his defense, it was soft!

"I-What? No! No, you muffin!" Darryl said, dropping his backpack off his shoulder to the ground to pull Zak's hoodie out of it.

Zak smiled brightly, taking the hoodie from Darryl and immediately putting it on. Darryl's face burned brighter at the unexpected action.

"You're not even going to wash it first?" Darryl asked.

"Why would I need to wash it? You have a deadly disease or something?" Zak questioned, hesitating to finish pulling the hoodie over his torso.

"Oh my goodness, no! I was just—"

"What is up losers!" A feminine voice sounded from behind the pair.

Darryl turned around to see Ashley standing next to a tall, pale boy, and began to sweat nervously.

"Ash!!" Zak shouted, picking up his hand to run towards her. "Can you make Darryl confess his undying love for me?" He asked, placing one arm over her shoulders as he batted his eyelashes.

Darryl practically turned into a tomato. He opened his mouth to protest, but a thick accent cut him off.

"Uhh, who are they?" The boy next to Ashley asked. His deeper voice and dead stare made Zak feel intimidated even though the boy looked younger than him.

"I-I'm Zak! And that's Darryl," Zak said, pointing behind him, "What's your name?"

"Vincent." The boy replied, French vibes practically radiating off of him.

"OoOooOo," Darryl cooed, "Vincent!" He tried to mimic the French accent, making both Zak and Ashley giggle.

"He was our foreign exchange student last year. He's really good with technology and stuff," she smiled. "So good with it that he could probably hack into all of our school's computer systems! Or run an illegal website streaming TV shows! Isn't that cool?"

Darryl widened his eyes. "Hey, woah! Not cool! Don't do that!"

"I mean, it's oddly specific but definitely cool." Zak smiled, looking from the disapproving expression Darryl had back to Vincent.

The French man smiled, stifling a laugh. Just then the bell rang and everyone went into the school.

"See you at lunch!" Zak called, walking down a hallway away from Darryl.

Darryl did in fact see Zak at lunch, but he didn't pay any attention to him. He dragged his eyes away from the boy in blue, forcing himself to look at Clay instead. As he took his lunch and sat down, he could practically feel eyes burning into the back of his head.

Slowly, Darryl turned his head around to see Zak grinning from ear to ear. The boy raised his hand, waving it frantically. Some of the other kids at Zak's table followed his gaze and made a weird expression upon seeing Darryl.

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