Love That Kills

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art by: @wumpiis_ on twitter

prompt: Soulmate AU, where you don't age after 18 until you meet your soulmate. If ur soulmate dies they are reincarnated (without memories of previous lives) until both of you have a life together
Darryl wants to live forever, so he has been killing the reincarnations of Zak over and over.
prompt by: Muted-Memories
Thank you so much for the prompt!!

⚠️blood and character death warning⚠️


It was easy to kill someone when you knew nothing about them besides their basic appearance.

The less you know, the less likely you are to get attached.

And this is why Darryl would never even ask his soulmate for his name before brutally murdering him.

He had done it so many times now he was losing track.

"P-please.." the boy cried out on the ground. He coughed up more blood as he clenched his stomach in withering pain.

Darryl wasn't prepared to run into him, so this death was a little more gruesome than usual.

Usually, Darryl didn't even let him speak before ending his life.

"Wh-hy.." the kid on the ground tried to reason with the killer, but he could barely speak through the pain. Eighteen was a young age to die, but it was also the perfect age to live forever.

As the boy in the blood stained blue hoodie scooted helplessly away from him, Darryl almost felt sorry for a second.

He leaned down to the boy. "See you in another eighteen years."

And with that, his soulmate was silenced.

Another life passed and came. Darryl remembered to make sure he was more prepared this time. Sure, what he was doing was wrong, but deep down in his sick and twisted heart, he still cared for his soulmate. He wanted to make his death as quick and painless as possible.

And soon, the time came when Darryl felt the familiar burning sensation throughout his body that signaled his soulmates presence nearby.

This was supposedly the happiest feeling possible. Darryl imagined it was, because he had never felt happier before. He sat back and bathed in the feeling as if it was warm summer sunshine, trying to savor the moment. He wouldn't get this feeling back again for at least another eighteen years.

Opening his eyes again, he searched around the diner for the familiar face etched into his brain, finding the goofy smiling boy staring right back. Darryl smiled back at him, hiding the anxiety creeping up into his mind. This place was too busy to kill your soulmate in.

Quickly, he stood up and left, knowing his soulmate was sure to follow.

"W-wait! Hey!"

He was right.

He started walking faster, dipping between two buildings to a familiar secluded alley. He wondered how many times his soulmate had died here already.

The alley was dark and reeked of rotting trash. There were garbage bins and bags scattered around haphazardly. He heard the soft footsteps of his soulmate approach him, a bit out of breath.

The murderous man slowly slid his hand into his pocket, clutching the knife he planned to slice his soulmates throat open with in mere seconds.

The boy approached him from behind, smile still plastered across his face. "Why'd you run?" He asked with a small giggle.

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