Uh Oh Spaghettio

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art by: @KellyKiwi3 on twitter

Based on BBH's last stream where everyone thought he was crying towards the end:

prompt: Zak feels bad for memeing.

Zak sat back in his chair, guilt eating away at his gut as Darryl ended his livestream. The older boy couldn't handle the mass meme spam Zak had started, and ultimately seemed to have a breakdown live. For a second, Zak had thought his friend had actually started crying.

He stared at the "livestream ended" screen for a long time blankly before pulling his phone out of his pocket and calling Darryl.

"H-hello? Skeppy?" Darryl asked, voice wobbly.

"Are you ok?" Zak frowned, knowing the answer already.

"Uh, yeah. Just a little frustrated is all." Darryl sniffled out, and Zak felt a piece of his heart break.

"Please don't cry, Bad. I'm really sorry for pushing the memes too far." Zak apologized. He wished he could crawl through the phone and give his friend a hug.

"It's fine. I'll be okay." Darryl shrugged, wiping his eyes. "I think I'm gonna head to bed, though. But thank you for checking on me."

Zak's frown deepened. "Okay. Have a great night."

"You too." Darryl replied, and Zak heard the beep of a call being ended.

He sighed and threw his phone on the bed, overthinking the situation with Darryl.

"There must be some way I can make it up to him.." He thought, spinning around in his chair.

Suddenly, he dug his feet into the carpet fast to stop the spin and stood up. His eyes gleamed with mischief as a fantastic idea came to him.


Darryl blinked his eyes open, yawning and sitting up in bed. Slowly, he stretched his arms in the warm light rays beaming in through his window.

He didn't remember going to sleep, but he did lay in bed and mope for a long time. He figured he must have passed out eventually.

"Better start the day.." He grumbled, heading to his bathroom to wash up.

Even after brushing his teeth and washing his face, Darryl still felt tired. Memories of Zak's late night trolling flooded his brain, and he frowned at himself in the mirror.

However, he couldn't stay mad at Zak for long.

"Stupid muffin." He smiled, droopy eyed, and made a mental note to start going to bed early. He felt dumb for getting so worked up over the memes yesterday, but sometimes he just wanted his viewers to listen to him and support him. What he wouldn't give to have one normal stream.

His stomach growled, breaking his thoughts, so he decided to go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

He yawned once more as he entered his dining room, scratching his head. An awkward cough erupted from the table, and his eyes immediately darted to the source in fear.

There at his table sat Zak, complete in boxers and a hoodie, with messy hair and a plate of waffles.

Darryl blinked at him.

"Hi." Zak said.

"How did you get in my house?" Darryl asked, confusion apparent on his face. His eyes trailed down to the delicious waffles on Zak's plate. "And why are eating my waffles?"

"You left your door unlocked." Zak shrugged, picking up his fork and shoving more food into his mouth. "And I have no idea what waffles you are talking about."

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