Reality (2)

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part two to (Dating Sim)
word count: 1425


creator anon and crumbified

Seriously these are both awesome! My heart is so happy, you have no idea :') Thank you both. Ya'll are so talented I'm crying <3

Now to the story>>>>

"S-Skeppy??" Darryl recoiled, dropping his cup of water on the floor. The liquid splashed over his toes, making him squeal.

"Hiiiii Darryl!!!" Skeppy chimed, digging his feet into the carpet to stop in place. Wide brown eyes met Darryl's green ones.

Darryl stood unmoving. The fact that someone had snuck into his house had frightened him. His mind couldn't comprehend how Skeppy had got there.

"What's wrong?" Skeppy smiled, tilting his head to the side, "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

Darryl gave an airy laugh, rubbing a hand through his hair in complete confusion. "I think maybe I have?"

Skeppy stood from the chair with a small giggle and made his way to the other man. "You unlocked my route! And I'm here now! Didn't you check the side effects of the game?"

"S-side effects?" Darryl laughed nervously, taking a step backward, "Skeppy, that's impossible! You should not be in my room right now!"

"Oh, but I am!" He laughed. "And you can call me Zak now!"

Darryl felt dizzy. Nothing was making any sense to him. His eyes darted from Skeppy, now Zak, to the floor back and forth several times. His arm reached out to grab something to steady himself, but there was nothing nearby. "Uhm...I..."

"Dude, you're starting to look pale... Are you okay?"

Darryl's vision started getting darker. Dark clouds swirled around, overtaking his eyes completely. He stumbled towards the bed blindly, mumbling incoherent words.

Zak worriedly watched Darryl's knees buckle against the side of the bed frame. The man's body crashed into the soft bed, remaining completely still.

"Did he just pass out?!" Zak shouted, gripping locks of his fluffy hair in his hands.

When Darryl woke up, it was a slow process. He looked at the window to see low light coming in through the open sliver of the curtains. It was already close to night time, meaning maybe two hours had passed since his stream. His bedroom was dark. The only light came from a small lamp on his desk that he didn't remember turning on.

He was in bed under the covers. His hands smoothed over his comforter and he realized he didn't remember going to sleep either. He placed his hand to his forehead, groaning, and rolled into his side.

His eyes met a pair of dark brown ones studying him intently. Zak was laying in the bed on his side next to him.

After seconds of slow processing, Darryl shot upwards, staring at Zak in shock. Everything came back to him suddenly.

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