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art by: @mkraiyux on twitter

7:16 pm

Maybe waiting outside of Darryl's apartment wasn't the best move. Especially since I was pretty sure he wasn't even home. Sitting with my back against the door, I banged my head against it in frustration. All of his lights were off and the room was locked. There was no way to even peek inside.

I groaned, pulling out my phone to try and text Darryl again.


bad plesae im sory
sent 6:34 pm

dude please aneswrr so we can jsut talk im raelly sorry
! not delivered 7:21 pm

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Something deep inside my chest died as I read the block message over and over. My eyes suddenly stung and I felt like throwing up, but I refused to get up and leave.

This was just all the more reason to stay and figure out the mess I had gotten myself into.

I wasn't even sure what caused this to happen. Usually, Darryl didn't seem to mind trolling too much. Now, however, it was like he completely snapped. He was almost a different person.

Choosing to ignore the message, I shut off my phone and sighed, closing my eyes. There was nothing left to do but hope Darryl came home soon.

I listened to the footsteps of neighbors leaving and entering their homes and the distant ding of elevators. Without realizing, I soon passed out to the humble melody of people chattering.


I blinked my eyes open at the figure standing in front of me. My vision was blurry from sleep, but upon remembering what was going on I stood up and stretched.

"What are you doing here?" Darryl blinked with an expression of uncomfortableness. He probably felt weird seeing the person he was upset with (who he had just blocked on social media) sleeping outside his front door.

"I wAnted," I heard my voice crack and instantly stopped, clearing my throat to try again. "I wanted to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to you, Skeppy," Darryl grumbled, pushing past me to open up his door. His shoulder bumped mine, sending a wave of hurt to my heart.

"Dude, I've been out here for hours. Please, just hear me out!" I begged, following Darryl into his house regardless of if he wanted me to or not.

"Listen, Skeppy, I've already had a terrible day, and this storm outside is really not helping," Darryl sighed, "I really don't want to deal with you anymore, regardless of if you're apologizing or not."

I raised my eyebrows at the mention of the weather. "What storm?" I asked. He turned to look at me a bit confused.

"Have you not been getting all of the emergency alerts? It's a tropical storm threatening to turn into a hurricane."

"Typical Florida," I thought.

"Here, I'll show you." Darryl patted down his pockets, searching for his phone before he groaned frustratedly. "I left it in my car. Just forget it. Go home, stay away from windows, and stay away from me."

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