Campsite Scuffles

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art by: @caniecase on twitter

Part 2 to (A Camping Trip)
I might as well call this a Two-Shots book since you potatoes constantly ask for part twos SMH <3

When the morning sun came, Zak peaked his eyes open to find himself completely pressed against Darryl's chest. Darryl had draped one arm across Zak's body, hugging him close.

Zak raised his eyebrows in surprise, but it quickly melted into happiness.

He tried to keep quiet and avoid laughing so Darryl wouldn't wake up. He'd hate to ruin this perfect moment.

He had slept completely sound through the whole night, despite being in a different environment. He had never done that before. Tossing and turning in his sleep was pretty common, but for some reason sleeping out in the wilderness seemed to give him peaceful dreams.

Or maybe it was Darryl, but Zak wasn't sure if he wanted to admit that to himself.

He closed his eyes and sighed, trying to fall back to sleep, but immediately opened them again when he heard footsteps crunching against the leaves.

They seemed to grow distant, heading towards where he thought his own tent was.

****"Vincent must be trying to check up on me," Zak thought with a huff.

Then the footsteps backtracked and started heading towards Darryl's tent.

That Zak was currently in.

"Shit, shit," Zak mumbled, trying to push himself away from Darryl in a gay panic. Darryl, however, didn't seem to like this and his grip on Zak tightened in his sleep, practically smothering the poor boy into his chest.

"Darryl," Zak wheezed, "Please wake up!"

Before Zak could save himself, Vincent had unzipped the tent and peaked his head inside.

"Figures." He mumbled, smirking at the two. "Perfect hook up plan."

Zak blushed profusely, keeping his voice down. "Y-you planned this?!" He turned his head to the side, barely catching a view of Vincent from this peripheral vision of his eyes.

"Mhmm. Enjoy~ I'll start packing up the stuff."

And with that, the tent was zipped up again.

Zak groaned, wondering if he could get a few extra minutes of sleep in and just ignore all of his embarrassment. He shut his eyes, but Darryl's tight grip on Zak's torso and chest made it hard to sleep without suffocating.

**********"Well, guess I better wake him up then."

He shifted his eyes up to Darryl's face, staring intently at his eyelashes as they fluttered in his dreams.

He made a face of unsatisfactory and stuck out his tongue, pressing the tip of it to Darryl's nose.

Darryl scrunched his face up and opened his eyes, confusion washing over his face as he stared back at Zak. His eyes traveled to Zak's tongue and his face morphed to show disgust.

"What the muffin!" He screeched, pushing Zak away from him and wiping his nose off aggressively.

Zak wheezed laughing so hard. "Y-you were strangling me, dude!"

"That gives you no right to lick me!!" The older boy sat up, glaring down at his friend.

"It was my only defense against your smothering, Darryl!" Zak unzipped the sleeping bag and slithered out, taking the blanket off of Darryl and wrapping it around himself.

"Hey! That's mine, you fatty!" Darryl grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it back, starting a tug-of-war between the two.

"Zak. Let...go," the boy scolded through gritted teeth.

"Never!" Zak couldn't help but giggle as he got an idea. "Actually, okay."

He let his end of the blanket go, causing Darryl to fall backward.

After Darryl's panic from falling faded, anger replaced it and he let out a loud groan, making Zak's eyes go wide.

Zak laughed harder and unzipped the tent, quickly making a run for it. Darryl shot off of the makeshift bed, hot on Zak's tail, and began chasing the fluffy-haired boy around the campsite.

"Just make out already," Vincent groaned as the two ran circles around him.

Hearing this, Zak halted in pure shock, causing Darryl to run straight into him. The two fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs and pain.

"Ow! What the heck!" Zak put a hand up to his head, trying to rub the pain away. Both boys were breathing heavy, tired from all of the running.

Darryl grumbled again, pushing himself up on his hands above Zak. "Maybe if you didn't stop so suddenly I wouldn't have run into you!"

Zak looked up at him, staring at the strands of hair that fell into Darryl's eyes.

Before Zak could say anything, the green-eyed boy spoke up again with a soft smile. "Oh my goodness. If only the shipper muffins could see us now."

Turning pink, Zak forced himself to tear his eyes away from Darryl's face. "I have no idea what you mean, dude. Just get off already."

Darryl raised his eyebrows for a second, getting an idea. He leaned down closer to Zak's face. "Why? Does this bother you?"

Zak turned to face him again, blushing profusely. "It doesn't."

Darryl moved in more, setting their faces so close he could feel Zak's warm breath against his face. "Are you sure?"

In a quick motion, the smaller boy placed his hands against Darryl's chest to stop him from moving any more. "Y-yeah."

Darryl couldn't help the smile that grew on his face. He felt like he had actually accomplished something similar to a troll, and he wanted to savor this moment. Somehow, Zak seemed to sense this. Maybe it was the small pride in Darryl's eyes that made the smaller boy feel like he was losing a battle.

His hands balled into fists of fabric on Darryl's t-shirt, suddenly pulling him closer instead of pushing him away. Darryl's arms bent from the action, making him fall down lower onto his forearms. His nose squished against Zak's.

The smaller boy shut his eyes tight and tilted his head to kiss Darryl, who was in utter shock for a brief moment before he felt warm. His heart exploded and he fluttered his eyes closed to return the kiss.

Zak suddenly gained his confidence back. He relaxed his hands and moved them up against Darryl's chest, one finding the back of Darryl's neck to press him closer and deepen the kiss. His other hand began to fumble through Darryl's hair, seeming to enjoy its softness. The tender fingers in his hair combined with the kiss started making Darryl overwhelmed. It was like drowning in sunshine.

After a few seconds more, the older boy pulled away out of breath and stared down into brown, half-lidded eyes.

Zak let his hands fall out of the other's hair and to the ground with a big smile plastered on his face. He stared up at Darryl almost challengingly.

"I always win," he winked.

🔎SkepHalo Oneshots🔍Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang