Back Pain

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art by: @SporevttieGrnds on twitter

prompt: Zak has back pain and Darryl wants to help him


Zak was sitting on the couch of his and Darryl's shared apartment, scrolling through shows on Netflix. It was late afternoon, and Darryl was off in his room editing. Zak stretched a bit, noticing the pain in his back was still there. It had been hurting last night, and continued on until now. It only seemed to get worse. After stretching, he sat up straighter, thinking it would help a bit more.

He continued scrolling through shows when Darryl came into the living room.

"Hey, Zak." He said with a small wave.

"Hi. Are you done editing?" Zak asked, not taking his attention from the tv.

"Yeah. I'm gonna grab a soda, do you want one?" Darryl replied, walking into the kitchen.

"Sure! Since you're done editing do you wanna watch that show we've been bingeing?" Zak said, finally turning towards Darryl. The movement reminded him of his back pain and he winced.

Darryl noticed Zak winced and furrowed his eyebrows. "You okay?" He walked over to Zak with two cans of soda and handed one to him.

"Yeah. I think I've just been sleeping wrong or something." Zak rubbed his back a little before patting the couch next to him.

Darryl sat down and mumbled a quick "if you say so."

They got through a few episodes of their show, all the while Zak had been squirming around. His back pain was getting seriously bad.

"Zak I cannot focus on the show with you wiggling. Does your back seriously hurt that much? Have you taken any pain killers?" Darryl sighed in frustration.

"Yeah, sorry. I took some awhile ago but I don't think they have kicked in yet..? Or maybe they just aren't working." Zak shrugged and rubbed his back some more.

"Mm, okay." Darryl tried to think of any kind of heating blanket they might have, but couldn't think of one. "I can go to the store and get a heating pad and epson salt for you?"

"Some what??" Zak laughed. "No, Darryl it's okay. Let's just watch the show. I'll try to stop wiggling."

Another couple episodes passed. Zak continued to wiggle, but was really trying hard not to. Darryl looked over at him briefly and he was literally glaring daggers at the tv. He noticed Darryl looking at him. "I feel like removing my back. Please kill me." He tried to joke, but the pain was evident in his eyes.

Darryl paused the show and stood up.

"Follow me." He commanded and walked into his bed room. Zak furrowed his brows, but stood up to follow his friend anyway.

Once they were both in the room, Darryl put a stern face on.

"T-take off your shirt and lay on the bed." His face was red.

"WhA," Zak said, shocked. "Darryl this is kind of forward of you!" He joked, not understanding at all.

"It's not like that," Darryl promised, looking anywhere but at Zak. "I'm just gonna give you a back massage." He crosses his arms and finally made eye contact, refusing to back away. He was already this far in.

Zak stood for a moment seriously debating. He would defiantly not mind this at all, especially because Darryl would be so incredibly close to him.

"You'd do this for me? Isn't that sort of.. gay?" Zak asked with a giggle.

"What, no, Zak, oh my goodness. Do you want a back massage or not?" He rolled his eyes. In truth, yes. This was gay. He was gay. Everything was gay.

🔎SkepHalo Oneshots🔍Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang