High School Shenanigans 2.0

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Word Count: 2669
Due to recent events I'm really struggling to find the motivation to write. Yesterday I really, really thought it was going to be over and I would never write anymore SkepHalo fanfic again. I feel a lot better about it today and I'm still hopeful, so I'll probably continue after a small break.

Unfortunately I'm getting rid of my All Knowing (SkepHalo) book. There's no way I'm going to be motivated to keep that going, I'm sorry ;0; but I wrote two unpublished parts for it, so I'm moving the whole story here as a 5 Part One-Shot.

That is why this is back here :D

Prompt: highschool au + self insert (request) author is in the story and can control the actions of certain characters

Usually, kids dreaded the first day of school, but Darryl felt sort of excited.

He excelled in learning and was ready to knock out his Senior year of high school with the best grades yet.

He wasn't overly popular in school, but a lot of kids came to him for help with their work. He always took neatly written notes in case anyone needed them.

As he stood in the cafeteria, a tray of questionable pasta in hand, he noticed his best friend sitting at a lunch table alone.

"Clay!" He cheered, happily making his way over to his friend.

"Finally, man! I've been waiting for you for—"

A loud yell cut through the cafeteria, silencing all conversation. "ZAK! Watch out!"


In mere seconds, Darryl was on the ground covered in pasta and apple sauce.

Above him stood none other than Sophomore Zak Carder, the biggest troll in school. He was frozen, cocking his head to look back at Darryl in fear. One arm was shot up in the air, clutching a baseball.

With a bewildered look, Darryl's eyes shifted from him to the other side of the cafeteria where another kid's arm was frozen in a throwing position.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Darryl mumbled, embarrassment written across his face.

The world around began to have motion again as several students laughed, or made sounds of shock. Zak unfroze too, holding the ball shamefully behind him as he held one hand out to help Darryl up.

Reluctantly, Darryl took it, and Zak pulled him to his feet.

"Dude, I'm so sorry; I'll buy you a new lunch."

Darryl frowned, looking down at his stained shirt. "That's not really my biggest concern right now..."

Zak threw a hand to his mouth, trying his hardest not to laugh.

"Are you seriously laughing at me?" Darryl accused, narrowing his eyes.

"N-no, dude," Zak turned away, hiding his face.

Darryl nearly scoffed and looked around at the rest of the students. Several eyes were on him; Fingers pointed and hushed whispers floated throughout the room. All the unwanted attention made Darryl sort of feel like crying, but no way would he actually do it here.

Instead of responding to the shorter boy, Darryl turned around to find his friend Clay next to him. "Are you okay?"

Darryl's arm shifted to his other one, squeezing it for comfort. "Yeah..."

As they began to walk away, Zak felt panic rise in himself. "W-wait!"

Darryl turned around with a look of pure disappointment and Zak suddenly felt like the biggest jerk on the planet.

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