Lost Hat

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art by: @DevilismChan on twitter

Feeling sad for the sick skepster. Hope he gets better soon :c
Hope you're all having a good day!

Prompt Credit: gaY_iDioT14 thaNK YOU so much for the amazing idea <3

As much as he loved an afternoon stroll in the cool fall, Zak would rather not be blown into the sun right now.

The windy day made walking almost impossible. The trees shook in the wind violently as if they were screaming for help. Papers, trash, and leaves flew by him in a rapid pace. Another large gust of wind hit just as he was passing a dirt pile, causing him to squint his eyes tightly as dirt flew into his face.

"Can this get any worse?" He asked himself as he trudged on blindly.


Zak made a quiet squeak as an object collided with his face. Forcing his eyes to open into slits, he grabbed the object from his face and ducked into a nearby alleyway for cover.

He let out a giant sigh, feeling as if he was finally able to breathe regular oxygen rather than dusty wind.

He examined the object, realizing it was a hat.

"Pizza Buddies." Zak read out loud, flipping it over to look at the inside.

Darryl 137 Main Street

Zak debated simply dropping the hat there. It wasn't his, and it sure wasn't his problem, but then again he was still pretty far from home, and he knew this place was a lot closer...

"It'd be a nice escape from the wind." He convinced himself, starting to backtrack a bit to the pizza place.

He immediately internally groaned as the wind slapped him in the face after he exited the alleyway.

Ding ding.
The bells on the door jingled gently as Zak stepped inside.

"Hi! Welcome to Pizza Buddies!" A tall, hatless man greeted.

Zak had never been in this place before. He was used to sneaking glances inside as he passed, never gaining the guts to enter alone.

It was some kind of Pizza Cafe, which Zak thought was pretty weird, but they seemed to get a lot of business.

Zak smiled at the green eyed guy behind the counter, looking at his name tag.


He shuffled up to the counter, thinking how lucky he must have got to actually find this "Darryl" while he was working.

Zak popped the hat onto his head. "I'll take one small hot cocoa, please."

Darryl widened his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. "Where'd you get that hat?"

Zak shrugged, keeping his smirk. "I dunno, just found it. Can I get my cocoa?"

He swore he saw Darryl's eye twitch.

"Sure... and what was the name?" The tall man smiled so painfully fake that Zak wanted to burst immediately into laughter.

"Tyler." Zak lied, taking his cap off and putting it on Darryl's head, making sure to pull it down over his eyes.

"I- What! You muffin! I knew that was my hat! Where did you find it?" Darryl laughed, slightly annoyed still as he fixed his hat.

Zak giggled, leaning his body weight against the counter. "It smacked me right in the face on my way home."

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