They Found a Shovel

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art by: @muffinabucket on twitter

(Part 2 to Buried Feelings)

When the knock came on Darryl's door, he froze. He didn't expect his friend to be there so soon.

Sure, by now he wasn't crying anymore, but his eyes were still red and puffy, and his nose sniffles hadn't gone away yet.

He sighed, putting on his best smile, and opened the door to reveal a nervous looking Zak.

Zak's expression morphed from fear to sadness at the sight of Darryl. Without any words, he gently pulled Darryl into a hug. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry." He mumbled into Darryl's shoulder.

Darryl's heart softened and he hugged Zak back. "It's okay.."

A brief warm silence was shared between the two as they hugged each other, comforting both of their wounded hearts.

Zak looked outside at the warm afternoon sunlight and an idea came to him. "Do you have any bread?"

Darryl raised an eyebrow. "Bread? Like, to eat?"

Zak rolled his eyes, finally pulling away from the hug. "No, to drink."

"Oh my good-.. Yes. I have bread." Darryl huffed.

"We can go feed the ducks at that one pond in the park!" Zak smiled happily.

Darryl hummed. "Isn't bread bad for ducks, though..?"

Zak groaned. "Fine, you wanna go get some seeds or something?"

Darryl nodded happily.

Zak took the shopping cart and pushed off the ground, riding it quickly down the isle.

Darryl looked up from his phone, glaring. "Zak, do not do that. We are going to get kicked out!"

Zak giggled, stopping the cart and looking back at Darryl. "Well, I have to get your attention some how!"

"I am trying to research what to feed ducks, you muffin!" Darryl shook his head, pushing his glasses up.

Suddenly, Zak was in front of him again. The black haired boy took ahold of Darryl's hands, the phone forgotten in the midst of tangled fingers.

Zak tilted his head and leaned in mischievously, letting their lips just almost touch.

Darryls face heated up as he waited in anticipation.

"I guess I could try different ways..?" Zak whispered with half lidded eyes, not moving an inch.

Darryl held his breath, waiting for Zak to kiss him at any second.

Instead, the goofy boy pulled away with a wink, leaving Darryl as an embarrassed potato. "Z-Zak!!"

"Hmm?" Zak hummed, grabbing the cart and continuing to stroll down the isle.

Darryl groaned in frustration, hiding his face. He decided to drop it altogether and continue shopping for duck food.

They arrived at the park with canned corn, peas, and some oats.

"This has to be the most boring way to feed ducks ever." Zak groaned, examining a single pea. He looked over at Darryl, eyes wondering between him and the pea.

"What?" Darryl asked, scrunching his nose.

"It's your brain!" Zak giggled, gesturing to the pea.

"I- What! I do not have a pea sized brain!" Darryl laughed, pouting a bit.

"Aww, you're cute when you whine! CuteBoyHalo!" Zak cooed, dropping the pea to squish Darryl's cheeks together.

"No! I'm not cute! I'm hardcore!!" The muffin insisted, swatting Zak's hands away. Zak only laughed harder in return.

They fed the ducks happily for awhile, eventually running out of duck food. Not wanting to leave, they both opted to lay in the grass and look at the sky.

That was until Zak noticed the sun was starting to go down. "Maybe we should head home, yeah?"

Darryl looked at him, a soft pink light cast against his skin in the sunset. "I think I already am home." He smiled.

Zak blushed with wide eyes, almost choking on air. When he recovered, he let out a small laugh. "And when did you get so smooth?"

"I am the smoothest muffin ever." Darryl replied, smirking. Zak rolled his eyes again, his smile never fading.

It was quiet again for awhile.

"Zak? Do you think any of the fans saw us today..?" Darryl mumbled, worry evident in his voice.

Zak sat up, looking at his friend with knitted brows. "And so what if they did?"

Darryl frowned. "I don't know. I wasn't sure if you were okay with them knowing..."

"Knowing what?" Zak smirked.

Darryl blushed, covering his face. "Oh my goodness. Never mind."

After all the fun was over, the two stumbled goofily back into Darryl's house, sitting themselves at the couch.

"It's kinda late now, and I'd hate for you to drive back home in the dark. Did you maybe wanna stay over?" Darryl asked, holding one of Zak's hands and fumbling his fingers around.

"Uh, yeah! That'd be great!" Zak smiled, a little distracted by the contact. "You're so forgiving. I really don't deser-"

"Hush, you fatty! None of that matters now." Darryl cut him off, sensing a spiral of self deprecation approaching.

"But, Darryl, I seriously hurt-"

Darryl decided to shut him up once and for all with a kiss, leaving Zak completely shocked.

Pulling away, Darryl held a small smirk on his face to Zak's further astonishment. "Wow, so there is a way to silence the great Skeppy!" Darryl giggled.

When the surprise faded from the raven haired boys features, he opted to replace it with mischief. Darryl dropped his smirk as Zak placed his hand against the side of his face and kissed him again, a bit more aggressively.

Neither one pulled away quickly this time. Darryl's heart beat fast in his chest, almost as if it were trying to escape.

Kissing Zak was like tasting happiness and laughter, and he never wanted it to end.

And apparently, Zak didn't either.

Slowly, Zak managed to push Darryl down on the couch, the younger boy hovering over him with a smile.

"You're really adorable, you know that?" Zak complimented quietly.

"I-I'm hardcore!" Darryl insisted once more, slightly out of breath from all the kissing.

"Nah!" Zak giggled, leaning over Darryl to kiss him again.

And again, and again.


(author note: i hope this satisfies all the people who asked for part 2 ahah. i need sleep)

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