The Accident

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art by: @Dianauwuwu on twitter

The small apartment shook on its hinges. Muffled yelling spilled through the walls, agitating nearby neighbors who were trying to sleep. Darryl stormed out the front door, red in the face from anger.

Zak followed him close, looking scared. He shifted his hands around nervously, trying to explain himself. He was too distracted to even close their front door completely.

"I really thought there was a backup, you have to believe me." He pleaded, trying to catch up with his friend.

"You shouldn't have done it if you didn't know for sure, Zak." Darryl growled, trying to get away from him. He stopped in front of his car and patted his pocket, groaning when he realized he left his keys inside. All he wanted to do was get away from Zak, but the other was too clingy and concerned to back off. Zak swerved between him and the car, staring Darryl in the eyes.

It was practically midnight, way too late to be having this argument in public. Zak needed to fix this.

"I know, I know! I will fix it all, I swear. Please just calm down!" He reached out and grabbed one of Darryl's hands, holding it close to his chest.

Darryl ripped his hand free, and rolled his eyes.  "There is nothing left to fix," He spat out, "My server is ruined."

He glared daggers down at Zak and started towards the house again to grab his keys. He needed to get out of here.

Zak followed him, desperation in him voice. "It can be fixed! P-please, just listen to me!" Zak pleaded, hopeful. He tried to keep clam, but he really felt like crying. Darryl had gotten mad before, but never this mad. This was new.

This was scary.

"I don't want to listen to you!" Darryl yelled viciously, entering the house and searching the living room. Zak winced, but continued to follow Darryl throughout the house, begging he would give up and just sit down for a moment.

"But, Darryl-"

"No, this is serious, Zak. That server was important to me! That was a piece of my life you just permanently destroyed!"

"I know, I know, I'm sorr-"

"Be quiet! I don't want to hear anything from you." Darryl growled, giving up on the living room and walking down the hall to his bedroom. "My keys have to be here somewhere.." he mumbled, agitated.

He threw things around desperately looking, until he noticed Zak standing in the room behind him. He looked over the frail looking, teary-eyed boy and his heart broke.

"Do not look at me like that. Everything is just a joke to you, isn't it, Zachary?" Darryl spat with a heavy sigh. Zak visibly winced at the use of his full name, but Darryl ignored him.

"You know what? I'm just gonna walk." He decided, pushing past Zak to leave the house. Zak stood frozen for a moment, before he rushed out of the room to follow Darryl.

The older boy exited the house, practically running away from his friend now, but Zak was persistent.

"Stop following me!" Darryl yelled into the night, not bothering to turn to look at Zak.

"No! Not until you stop and listen to me!" Zak yelled back, catching up to Darryl as they crossed over the sidewalk. "Where are you even going?!"

"Anywhere that is away from you!" Darryl hissed.

When his feet hit the asphalt, he spoke again. "I can never forgive you for this." He stated, more sad than angry. He thought the two of them were on good, troll-free terms. Now Zak had destroyed his server completely, and there was no fixing it. The only option would be to recreate the whole thing in it's entirety. And even then, would it be the same?

Thinking it over made Darryl even more angry. "I wish we had never met!" He fumed, not realizing what he was really saying. He continued across the street.

"Darryl wait, be careful!" Zak yelled, ignoring the pain in his chest from Darryl's words. He anxiously reached for his friend as he stormed into the busy street blindly.

The next few seconds happened quick—too quick to account what really happened.

"Darryl! Shit, dude move!" Zak cried as a car horn blared loudly.

There was screeching and a loud, violent crash.
ily all thanks for 9k reads here is the angst.
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