Dating Sim

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word count: 2248
art by: @IEsyle on twitter
prompt: Darryl plays a dating simulator in which Zak is a character in. After a few days of Darryl playing, Zak escapes the game and ends up in the real world.
request by: @Koneko_Daydreams sorry I didn't follow your request exactly, I changed it a lot and I only am realizing this after I have finished this first part. I'll try to make part two more fluffy like I think you wanted ;0;

•Day 1

Darryl started his stream like any other, saying hello a few times and then singing a little tune.

Today's stream was a little different than normal. There was this popular game going around that the viewers were dying to see Darryl play. It was an anime dating simulator called "Blush Babes!!"

It sounded pretty ridiculous, but Darryl was sort of a small anime nerd, so he eventually agreed to play it.

"Okay, guys. I'll wait a few more minutes before starting, but... I'm pretty sure all of you know what this is already," Darryl huffed. He had the title screen open on stream, showing the main five characters featuring two girls, two boys, and one non-binary character.

"It's cool they have multiple gender options. Most dating simulators are just all boys or girls," Darryl ranted, waiting for the chat to calm down. "Yes, you muffins, I am playing this game as you all asked. Behave yourselves or I'll turn it off!"

His eyes scanned the chat, seeing several demands for a facecam. "Uhh, I'm not doing a facecam today, but maybe next time."

A few more seconds passed.

"No! No facecam, fatties!"

Things eventually got settled in and Darryl got to make his own basic character for the game. He tapped his chin. "Should I name him Bad? That might be kind of weird, wouldn't it?" Darryl wondered out loud for a moment. He typed his real name in instead, quickly moving on to the game.

The game introduction kicked in, introducing all the characters and how the basic game mechanics would work. A map pulled up on the screen, asking Darryl to pick a location.

"Ooo!" He hummed, looking at all his options. "Oh, let's go to the video game store!"

The scene cut to his character browsing the games. Another male searching for games bumped into Darryl, causing both of them to tumble to the floor.

"Pfft. This is some pretty cliche stuff," Darryl laughed as the characters recollected their dropped items.

A slightly flustered male avatar appeared on the screen. "Sorry for running into you, dude!"

"Oooh our first potential lover has appeared," Darryl cooed. The new character's avatar changed into a more relaxed pose. He was dressed in black basketball shorts and a light blue hoodie. "He seems pretty casual," Darryl added.

"Were you checking out the games? What's your favorite?" The character asked. His poses moved around a lot, revealing a more hyper personality. A smile formed on Darryl's face, finding a fondness in the new character's friendly demeanor.

A list of options came up on the screen. "Look! They actually have Minecraft on there," Darryl giggled, clicking the option.

The other male's pose instantly flipped into a more excited one, hands balled in fists in front of him. "No way! I love that game!" His pose reminded Darryl a lot of an anime schoolgirl. It was fitting, considering the game he was playing.

Darryl smiled at his response. "He seems nice. What do you muffins think?" He looked over the chat to see several positive reactions. "He is a little all over the place, though."

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