Camping Trip

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art by: @NotThatP3rf3ct on twitter

Camping could always be fun. Especially when you were with your two best friends, laughing until you couldn't breathe anymore.

But right now, Zak was really not enjoying the trip.

"Dude! What the heck!" he tried to laugh, but he was too disappointed deep down to even put on a smile. His hands went up to the back of his head in frustration and his fingers knotted into his hair.

Vincent laughed at him evilly, making Darryl frown. The three of them stood at the edge of the lake, staring into the water at a lump of cloth.

Zak sighed.

"Maybe we can get it somehow?" Darryl offered, trying to think of a way to help his friend.

"HOW??" Zak screeched. When Darryl flinched at the loud noise, Zak tried to calm himself down. "Where am I going to sleep now?" He whined childishly.

"That was your only sleeping bag?" Darryl asked stupidly.

"Who brings more than one sleeping bag on a camping trip?" Vincent giggled and Zak let his head and arms droop glumly.

"If you knew that was his only bag, why did you throw it into the water?" Darryl smiled but his tone was scolding.

"I don't know! It was funny!" Vincent sighed. "It is getting dark; I will go start the fire."

And with that it was just Zak and Darryl, staring at the soggy sleeping bag in the water.

Darryl picked up a large stick off the ground and walked closer to the water's edge. "Maybe we can try to fish it out?"

Zak groaned, observing the sun as it dipped lower into the horizon. "Even if we did, it wouldn't be dry in time."

The other boy dropped his stick and tapped his chin. "Do you want to go home?"

Zak let out another sigh, but picked himself up and put on a happy smile. "No. We came to have fun! Even if I freeze during the night, the day was worth it." This time, he let out a real, genuine laugh. He was a bit worried, sure, but he wouldn't let that ruin his friends' night. Especially not Darryl's.

The older boy didn't seem convinced that Zak was fine, but he let it go. "Let's go see how Vincent is doing with the fire."

Zak couldn't help but to feel resentment towards Vincent. Sure, the whole thing was a joke, but perhaps one that was taken too far, though.

However, Zak had had his fair share of trolls taken too far. He supposed this was some sort of karma.

As the sky darkened and the air grew from chilly to cold, he couldn't help but continue to feel a little salty.

When the three decided to go to bed, they each retreated to their respective tents.

Zak zipped up his tent and turned on the small lantern inside it. He wrapped himself up in the blankets he had along with the extra one Darryl had given him out of pity.

He was still cold.

With a frustrated sigh, he turned the lantern off and tried to sleep.


Even after he gave Zak the extra blanket, Darryl still felt worried. He himself felt a little cold, and he actually had a sleeping bag.

He rolled over and shut his eyes, trying now to worry.

"Zak would tell us if he got too cold, right?"

He laid there listening to the sounds of crickets for a few minutes before the uneasiness really got to him.

He groaned and sat up, getting ready to go check on Zak before he heard footsteps crunching against the leaves outside.

The got louder as the approached him and soon someone was unzipping his tent.

"Darryl?" A soft, shivering voice asked.

"Zak? Are you okay?" Darryl squinted into the darkness, barely making out the fluffiness of his friends hair.

"No; it's cold as hell out here," Zak visibly shivered in dramatic effect. "Can I stay with you?"

Darryl's heart quivered and he scooted over. "Yeah, come in."

Zak dragged his blankets inside, curling up next to Darryl's sleeping back.

"Thanks, you're a life saver. Literally." Zak sighed, a little warmer than before.

"Don't mention it. Why didn't you go to Vincent? He owes you anyway," Darryl wondered out loud.

"You're nicer. And I'm still mad at him from earlier," Zak huffed.

This made Darryl laugh a little bit. It got quiet for a moment, so he decided it was best to try and sleep.

"Goodnight Skeppy." Darryl yawned.

"G'night." Zak couldn't help the small smile that formed on his face at the use of his nickname.

And with that, Darryl started to drift off. The wind in the trees outside soothing him.

Then he felt a subtle shaking. He peaked his eyes open to look at Zak, who was shivering slightly.

"Zak? Are you really that cold?" He questioned, propping himself up on one arm to look at his friend.

"I'm f-fine, dude! Go to sleep." The boy tried to make himself smaller to hide his quivering.

"Oh my goodness." Darryl sat up, pushing the blankets off of him and unzipping his sleeping bag. "Come here."

Zak rolled over to look at him with an expression of disbelief. "Are you kidding?" He laughed, almost forgetting he was cold.

Darryl felt his face heat up. "No. C'mon, no one will ever know. I'm never going to sleep with you shaking like a leaf, so just get over here, you numpty."

Zak smiled. He wanted to protest, but the warmth was too tempting.

He sighed dramatically and scooted into Darryl's sleeping bag, leaving a small space between them. "There."

"Great, now zip it up." Darryl commanded.

"What? Are you kidding? We won't fit!" Zak whisper yelled, afraid Vincent would hear them.

"Yes we will! Just scoot closer," Darryl whisper yelled back.

The smaller boy did as he was told, scooting even closer to Darryl. He then slowly zipped up the bag.

Both boys laid on their backs, staring up at the ceiling. They were nearly on top of each other.

"Y-you know it would be better if we lay on our sides." Zak mumbled turning to face Darryl. Darryl did the same, making both of their faces red as their noses were only inches apart now.

"W-why did you have to face me!" Zak giggled, staring into Darryl's green eyes as best as he could in the darkness.

"Be quiet, muffin, and go to sleep!"

Zak giggled out an "okay" and closed his eyes.

His hand moved to rest in the small space between them, running into Darryl's hand in the process.

"Sorry." He muttered, keeping his eyes closed. Darryl didn't respond, and Zak wondered if he had already passed out.

He delicately moved his fingers across Darryl's, locking their pinkies together.

Even though Darryl was still awake, he didn't move away or argue.

"Baby hands," Zak thought. He kept their pinkies intertwined for the rest of the night, and was sort of glad Vincent had thrown his sleeping bag into the water.

Getting closer to Darryl was definitely worth it.

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