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art by: @cherrlysoda on twitter
word count: 1416
request: @Emazing-Pete skeppy writes fanfiction
this oneshot wasn't blessed with an edit by grayson so back to our usual mistakes

Admittedly, flirting with BadBoyHalo was pretty fun for Skeppy, and the viewers seemed to enjoy it a lot.

So much that the fans started writing fanfiction.

Facfiction about the

Zak was first introduced to this by his friend, Vincent, and found it very amusing.

It was most overly dramatized and very unrealistic, but there were a lot of funny stories out there. Some even managed to make him genuinely smile.

Zak wasn't ever big on writing, but reading the stories really seemed to inspire him.

At first, writing stories about himself started as a joke. A simple paragraph about a scenario that hadn't actually happened. He was basically daydreaming on paper. The silly daydreams turned into romantic fantasies, and soon Zak was writing stories about going out with Darryl. All appropriate, of course.

Soon, however, Zak decided to share his work and started contributing to the fanfiction community under a random alias.

His typing was fast but very terrible, and you could tell he wasn't a serious writer. He felt an overwhelming amount of cringe when he uploaded his first story, but people really seemed to like it and it made him happy. So, he kept going and sought to better himself at his new hobby.

If something makes you happy, and it's not hurting anyone else, it was probably fine, right?

"It's not like Bad would ever find out," Zak scoffed, posting his newest short story to his collection.

"Hey, Zaaaak? Can you come help me?"

Nervousness crawled across Zak's spine as the familiar voice played from the living room. He quickly pressed the power button on the monitor and exited his room.

Peeking in the direction of the voice, Zak found Darryl in the doorway to their apartment with several bags of groceries in his hands.

The only problem with Zak's fanfic addiction was that he was roommates with the person he was writing gay romance about.

Zak widened his eyes. "Why are you carrying so many?" He rushed over to take some out of Darryl's hands.

"I didn't want to go back down!" Darryl argued, letting out a sigh of relief as half of the weight was taken from him.

Zak laughed, putting the bags on the counter to start putting them away.

Halfway through their organization, Darryl stopped and spoke up. "What do you wanna do today? I had an idea for a recording if you wanna help."

Zak smiled. "Sure!"

"Skeppy, just open the document!"

"I need permission! It's not letting me!" Zak laughed, rephrasing an old memory of him trolling Bad by getting screen-shared.

"Oh my goodness, I know you can see it!"

"I can't! I can't! Can you just come here and fix it please?"

Darryl groaned.


"Fine! I'll be there in a second."

Zak giggled to himself, hiding his recording tab in the midst of his others.

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