Color and Kisses

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art by: bu77plug on twitter

request: another soulmate au
everyone is essentially colorblind until you see your soulmate in person.

Typically, people had already met their soulmate early on in life. The special moment was amazing to witness in public, as people nearly lit up as their world burst into color around them.
Zak envied this. He hadn't met his soulmate yet, and was beginning to think he never would.

His world was forever a gloomy dark grey.

What if his soulmate died already?

The idea hurt Zak's heart, and he tried to stop thinking about it.
His phone chimed, catching his attention and breaking him free from his day dreaming. It was a text from his friend, Darryl.

BadBoyHalo: Hey Skeppy! >_> I need help with a video. Are you available?
Read 10:08pm

Zak instantly felt better at the thought of getting to troll Darryl. All thoughts of soulmates gone in an instant.

He giggled to himself before typing a reply.

Skeppy: yeah sure one sec.
Delivered 10:09pm

Zak quickly started up his recording software and opened Minecraft. He hopped into Darryl's team-speak channel and waited.

*You were moved*

"Skeppy!" His friends cheerful voice made him feel energized instantly.

"Hey, BaldBoy." Zak laughed.

Darryl groaned instantly. "No trolls today, you muffin."

"Aww come on, you're no fun," Zak whined, "What do you need help with anyway?"

"I need you to read a script for a ban appeals video." Darryl responses casually. Inside he was pleading Skeppy wouldn't find some new way to troll him.

"A ban appeals video?" Zak thought. "I've already done a lot of trolling on him from these." Deciding to give his friend a break, Zak stopped recording.

"Okay dude, lets start!" He replied. Suspicion ran threw Darryl's mind, but he didn't say anything about it.

Zak read each line perfectly with no trolls. He messed up a bit in one place, but it wasn't on purpose and he did the line again easily.

"Wow Skeppy, thank you so much," Darryl said, genuinely surprised, "That took a lot less time than I expected."

Zak laughed at Darryl's bluntness. "I figured I would give you a break. Do you have to go now..?" Zak asked, hoping Darryl could stay and talk longer.

"Actually, I set aside a lot of extra time to record with you because I figured you'd mess with me. So we can talk for a bit!" Darryl replied. Keyboard sounds could be heard from his mic.

The thought of Darryl having to put extra time out of the way for Zak both warmed and hurt his heart.

On one hand, Darryl was thinking about him.

On the other, Zak was driving Darryl crazy enough for him to go out of his way to find solutions.

"Hmm.. okay." Zak stated blankly. He decided to just be glad Darryl could stay to talk.

They spoke about everything and nothing, seeming to find interest and peace in talking about random topics.

Until VidCon came up.

"Skeppy, I already told you I'm not gonna go!" Darryl huffed, crossing his arms over his chest even though Zak couldn't see him.

"It could be fun! You'd get to meet your fans and friends!" Zak explained, desperately trying to convince the stubborn boy.

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