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Kenma sighed. He had his headphones in, and he could still here Bokuto. Talk about overly loud. The owl was greeting everyone happily. It was an hour before Karasuno and Nekoma were supposed to have the practice match. A tinge of excitement had settled in Kenma's gut. That had been happening ever he'd first seen the 'Freak Dou's' spike. It made him look forward to matches with Karasuno.

Talking about Karasuno, he'd noticed Hinata wasn't talking excitedly. He usually could hear him complimenting Bokuto's shirt. At least he wasn't as loud and annoying as Bokuto though. Kenma muttered under his breath when his switch died. He gave up trying to distract himself and looked around. Yeah, Hinata was nowhere to be seen. Isn't he up super early?

Seeing a chance to distract himself, he pulled out his phone, and began texting the tangerine.

Hey Shoyo. What are you doing right now?

"Kenma!" Oh god. Bokuto was heading his direction. It was probably because Kuroo wasn't here yet. "How are you, buddy?" he asked.

"Usual," Kenma muttered.

Bokuto (depressingly) sat next to him. "You seen Kuroo anywhere?" he asked, like Kenma expected. Even though Bokuto was extremely annoying, he knew that Kenma didn't like to be bothered. So, often, he left the pudding head alone.

Kenma shrugged. "He probably slept in. He has a habit of doing that after practicing super late," he replied.

The owl looked disappointed. Lev had told Kenma that Bokuto had been growing closer with Kuroo, and had theorised that he might like the captain. But Kenma doubted it. Kuroo wasn't even ten percent closer with Bokuto than Akaashi was. His mind ramble was interrupted by a notification.

Huh? Why?

Fukurōdani just arrived and the practice match starts in an hour. If you're late, you'll pay hell for it, won't you?

Ah. I just woke up. I was exhausted last night.

Of course. Kenma knew Hinata could barely stop playing volleyball once he started, which meant he'd probably been practicing since early morning. He realized the tangerine had sent another message.

Where are you guys? I'm a little tired, so I might not remember where to go (T△T)

Where are you?

Uhm....By where the team was sleeping I think. I didn't go far

I'll come get you

You don't have to-

If I don't you'll get lost and then be in trouble. Stay where you are, I'm coming

Thanks Kenma. You're the best ᵔ ᴥ ᵔ


"Oh? Who makes Kenma blush like so?" Kenma jumped at the sudden question. He glanced at Bokuto, who was smirking teasingly. I swear, he's like a Kuroo and Lev had a kid.

The question registered in his mind, and he jerked away from Fukurōdani's captain. He didn't know what expression he was making, but it made Bokuto laugh. "So Kuroo was right! You like someone!"

"WHAT?" Kenma spat. He made a mental note to kill Kuroo later.

Bokuto nodded, still grinning. "I heard that you were growing fond over someone. He caught you multiple times blushing when you talk to them. Don't worry, he didn't tell me who."

Kenma inhaled.

Had he been doing that? If he had, it was probably from happiness, not love. Why was every special treatment he gave to someone suddenly known as love? He didn't even really give special treatment to-


Whatever expression he was making must've caught Akaashi's attention, who was looking around. He immediately came to save Nekoma's setter. "Bokuto, the team is wondering where you are," he called.

"Sorry! See you later, Kenma." Then the owl was gone.

Kenma breathed out slowly. His heart was racing. He really couldn't let what others say get to him. Too much anxiety. He got up, grabbing his bag, and went to look for Hinata. The place Karasuno was staying at was really close to the school, so it didn't take him long to get there. The place was deserted. It was kind of creepy for such a large place to be so quiet.

Someone yelped in pain. Kenma would recognize that voice anywhere. He took a couple turns before coming across Hinata. The orange haired decoy was on the floor, examining his knee. He sighed in frustration. "What is wrong with you today?" he snapped.

Kenma cleared his throat. Hinata gasped, looking up. "Oh, it's only you. You scared me," he murmured. He began to get to his feet, but winced in pain.

"You okay?" Kenma asked.

"I'm fine."

But even though he declined it, there was something clearly wrong with Hinata. He could only walk for a little bit before he fell again, and when he was, he'd been limping. He looked both upset and embarrassed to be looking this helpless.

"How long were you practicing yesterday?" Kenma asked, holding his hand out. Hinata took it, and for a second he felt his heart skip a beat. God, he really was going to kill Kuroo. "And how many times did you fall? You probably sprained your knee."

Hinata winced when Kenma made him press his weight against him. He wrapped his arm around the setters shoulders. "Just a couple hours. I practiced a little after the others left too," he answered.

Sighing, Kenma led the injured tangerine towards the school. "I don't get how you can practice so much."

"I don't either," Hinata said, laughing softly. "I just lose track of time."

"You know you won't be able to play right?"

"Mhm. But thats okay, I can still kinda practice. Even sitting or laying down, if I toss the ball and try to catch it, it'll count as practice.'

Seriously, this guy. But this was actually one of the reasons Kenma liked Hinata. No matter what, the tangerine didn't give up, or let anything delay him. He fought off the challenges. If it was Kenma, it would be exhausting.

This guy doesn't fail to surprise me.

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